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OPEN 85167 HFR 8103 DE Health Professions Practicum II 3.00 Rumble, M; Paganotti, L; Maring, J; Goldblatt, P ON LINE 08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 84522 HFR 8116 DE Academic and Clinical Leadership in the Health Professions 3.00 Maring, J; Rumble, M; Gill, N ON LINE 08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 84556 HFR 8123 DE Qualitative Methods for the Health Professions 3.00 Maring, J; Shope, R; Ideishi, R ON LINE 08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 84521 HFR 8203 DE Bioethical Implications of Health Research 3.00 Corr, P; Brooks, S; Maring, J ON LINE 08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 87119 HFR 8215 DE Technology and Education in the Health Professions 3.00 Maring, J; Paganotti, L ON LINE 08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 87012 HFR 8227 DE Survey Methods for Health Professionals 3.00 Artino, A; Maring, J ON LINE 08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 86969 HFR 8270 DE Research Methods in the Health Professions I 3.00 Maring, J; Scalzitti, D; Murray, D; Babyar Rothbart, S ON LINE 08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 85165 HFR 8996 DE Seminar I 3.00 Maring, J; Costello, E; Murray, D; Gill, N; Scalzitti, D ON LINE 08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 85594 HFR 8997 DE Seminar II 3.00 Murray, D; Scalzitti, D; Costello, E; Maring, J; Gill, N; Paganotti, L ON LINE 08/22/24 - 12/09/24

Last Revised : Feb 6, 2025 01:52:07 PM

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