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OPEN 44083 CTS 6205 DE Clinical Investigations 3.00 Nasser, S; Trask, M; Rasgus, S ON LINE 08/28/23 - 12/09/23
Comments: This is an online course offered in a 15-week format. See the Schedule of Classes for specific dates. For SMHS students only.

OPEN 47839 CTS 6246 DE Clinical and Translational Research Capstone Project 3.00 Nasser, S; Trask, M; Rasgus, S ON LINE 08/28/23 - 12/09/23
Comments: This is an online course offered in a 15-week format. See the Schedule of Classes for specific dates. For SMHS students only.

OPEN 44268 CTS 6261 DE Foundations in Clinical and Translational Research 3.00 Kalia, I; Rasgus, S; Paez, W; Nasser, S; Trask, M ON LINE 08/28/23 - 12/09/23
Comments: This is an online course offered in a 15-week format. See the Schedule of Classes for specific dates. For SMHS students only.

OPEN 44384 CTS 6265 DE Grantsmanship in Translational Health Science 3.00 Paez, W; Rasgus, S; Nasser, S; Trask, M ON LINE 08/28/23 - 12/09/23
Comments: This is an online course offered in a 15-week format. See the Schedule of Classes for specific dates. For SMHS students only.

OPEN 47840 CTS 6286 DE Leadership, Professionalism, and Team Science in Clinical and Translational Research 3.00 Trask, M; Rasgus, S; Curtis, M; Nasser, S ON LINE 08/28/23 - 12/09/23
Comments: This is an online course offered in a 15-week format. See the Schedule of Classes for specific dates. For SMHS students only.

Last Revised : Feb 11, 2025 06:52:07 PM

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