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OPEN 35656 CSCI 4237 ACS Software Design for Handheld Devices 3.00 Cobb, M ON LINE 08/25/25 - 12/08/25
Comments: Registration restricted to ACS MS students.
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OPEN 37979 CSCI 6003 DE1 Introduction to Software Design and Engineering 3.00 Simha, R 08/25/25 - 12/08/25
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OPEN 35570 CSCI 6004 DE Introduction to Web Development 3.00 Simha, R ON LINE 08/25/25 - 12/08/25
Comments: Registration is restricted to MS-ACS students only. Registration by department approval only.
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OPEN 33029 CSCI 6011 O11 Introduction to Computer Systems and Algorithm Analysis 3.00 SMTH 120 R
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/25/25 - 12/08/25
Comments: Department approval required to register. Only student required to take this course will be admitted, must be a Computer Science major.
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OPEN 37099 CSCI 6116 DE Advanced Application Development 3.00 Simha, R ON LINE 08/25/25 - 12/08/25
Comments: Registration is restricted to MS-ACS students only. Registration by department approval only.
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OPEN 35542 CSCI 6231 11 Software Engineering 3.00 McKeeby, J 1776 G C-106 T
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/25/25 - 12/08/25
Comments: Registration restricted to Computer Science, Cybersecurity In Computer Science, and Data Analytics majors.
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OPEN 35540 CSCI 6433 DE Internet Protocols 3.00 Roberts, D ON LINE T
06:10PM - 08:00PM
08/25/25 - 12/08/25
Comments: Registration Is Restricted to CS Graduate Students only.
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OPEN 32781 CSCI 6461 10 Computer System Architecture 3.00 Lancaster, M 1776 G C-119 M
06:10PM - 08:40PM
08/25/25 - 12/08/25
Comments: Registration restricted to Computer Science, Cybersecurity In Computer Science, and Data Analytics majors.
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OPEN 36751 CSCI 6527 DE Introduction to Computer Vision 3.00 Pless, R ON LINE M
12:45PM - 03:15PM
08/25/25 - 12/08/25
Comments: Registration restricted to Computer Science, Cybersecurity In Computer Science, and Data Analytics majors.
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OPEN 37758 CSCI 6907 0 Discrete math 3.00 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/25/25 - 12/08/25
Comments: Department approval required to register
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Last Revised : Mar 26, 2025 10:47:14 AM

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