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OPEN 52509 UW 1015 20 Writing Seminar Summer Scholars 3.00 Art, A MON B36 MTWR
11:00AM - 12:15PM
07/03/23 - 08/12/23
Comments: Topic: Writing Seminar Summer Scholars. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 50615 UW 1020 10 University Writing 4.00 Bolgiano, A MPA 208 TWRF
12:30PM - 02:30PM
05/22/23 - 07/01/23
Comments: Topic: (Re)Discovering the Essay: Queerness, Collage, and Genre Fluidity. For more information about UW1020 courses, see URL

OPEN 52778 UW 1020 11 University Writing 4.00 Carter, K MON 252 TWRF
03:30PM - 05:30PM
05/22/23 - 07/01/23
Comments: Topic: Racial Implications: Critical Responses Through the Lens of Systemic Inequity. For more information about UW1020 courses, see URL:

OPEN 52478 UW 1020 20 University Writing 4.00 Michiels, P 1957 E 308 MTWR
10:00AM - 12:00PM
07/03/23 - 08/12/23
Comments: Topic: Writing About Learning. For more information about UW1020 courses, see URL.

OPEN 52562 UW 1020 21 University Writing 4.00 Presser, P ON LINE MTWR
12:00PM - 02:00PM
07/03/23 - 08/12/23
Comments: Topic: Cultures and Communities: (Service) Learning and Literacy. This class will be taught via remote instruction. Students will be required to participate in some synchronous online activities during the schedule course meeting times, and should expect a combination of synchronous online instruction, guided asynchronous instruction, and independent learning. Please contact your instructor for more information. For more information about UW1020 courses, see URL:

CANCELLED 52784 UW 2020 81 Freedom Movements on Film 3.00 05/22/23 - 07/01/23 XList
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement.

OPEN 52785 UW 2020 82 SustainabltyNetherlands15-21C 3.00 Troutman, P ROME 202 TWR
04:00PM - 05:15PM
07/03/23 - 08/12/23 XList
Comments: Fulfills WID credit, and one pillar of the Sustainability minor. Travel dates to and from The Netherlands are July 22nd and August 13th.
CCAS Short Term Abroad Fee  $4,775.38

OPEN 51543 UW 2020W 80 Discovering the Romans 3.00 Pollack, R SMTH 106 TR
01:00PM - 03:30PM
05/22/23 - 07/01/23 XList
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement. For more information about UW 1020 and UW 2020W summer courses please see

Last Revised : Jan 24, 2025 03:52:07 AM

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