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OPEN 50236 CSCI 1311 10 Discrete Structures I 3.00 Shaban, H TOMP 107 TR
05:10PM - 07:40PM
05/22/23 - 07/01/23
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate students only.

OPEN 52305 CSCI 3907 80 Intro. to Big Data & Analytics 3.00 Kaisler, S SEH 4040 M
03:00PM - 05:30PM
05/22/23 - 07/29/23 XList
Comments: Registration is restricted to undergraduate students only. Prerequisite: CS 2113. This course satisfies a tech track requirement for the BS and BA degrees and an elective requirement for the minor.

OPEN 50513 CSCI 3908 70 Research 1.00 TO 3.00 Pless, R 05/22/23 - 08/19/23
Comments: Register for this course in the CSCI office. Departmental approval required to register. Email to register for this course.

OPEN 51549 CSCI 3908 72 Research 1.00 TO 3.00 Wood, T 05/22/23 - 08/19/23
Comments: Register for this course in the CSCI office. Departmental approval required to register. Email to register for this course.

OPEN 51550 CSCI 3908 73 Research 1.00 TO 3.00 Vora, P 05/22/23 - 08/19/23
Comments: Register for this course in the CSCI office. Departmental approval required to register. Email to register for this course.

OPEN 51551 CSCI 3908 74 Research 1.00 TO 3.00 Arora, A 05/22/23 - 08/19/23
Comments: Register for this course in the CSCI office. Departmental approval required to register. Email to register for this course.

OPEN 51552 CSCI 3908 75 Research 1.00 TO 3.00 Choi, H 05/22/23 - 08/19/23
Comments: Register for this course in the CSCI office. Departmental approval required to register. Email to register for this course.

OPEN 51553 CSCI 3908 76 Research 1.00 TO 3.00 Hahn, J 05/22/23 - 08/19/23
Comments: Register for this course in the CSCI office. Departmental approval required to register. Email to register for this course.

OPEN 51554 CSCI 3908 77 Research 1.00 TO 3.00 Yerukhimovich, A 05/22/23 - 08/19/23
Comments: Register for this course in the CSCI office. Departmental approval required to register. Email to register for this course.

OPEN 51555 CSCI 3908 78 Research 1.00 TO 3.00 Narahari, B 05/22/23 - 08/19/23
Comments: Register for this course in the CSCI office. Departmental approval required to register. Email to register for this course.

OPEN 51556 CSCI 3908 79 Research 1.00 TO 3.00 Parmer, G 05/22/23 - 08/19/23
Comments: Register for this course in the CSCI office. Departmental approval required to register. Email to register for this course.

OPEN 51557 CSCI 3908 80 Research 1.00 TO 3.00 Diab, M 05/22/23 - 08/19/23
Comments: Register for this course in the CSCI office. Departmental approval required to register. Email to register for this course.

OPEN 51558 CSCI 3908 81 Research 1.00 TO 3.00 Simha, R 05/22/23 - 08/19/23
Comments: Register for this course in the CSCI office. Departmental approval required to register. Email to register for this course.

OPEN 51559 CSCI 3908 83 Research 1.00 TO 3.00 Aviv, A 05/22/23 - 08/19/23
Comments: Register for this course in the CSCI office. Departmental approval required to register. Email to register for this course.

OPEN 52306 CSCI 3908 84 Research 1.00 TO 3.00 Dobolyi, K 05/22/23 - 08/19/23
Comments: Register for this course in the CSCI office. Departmental approval required to register. Email to register for this course.

OPEN 52307 CSCI 3908 85 Research 1.00 TO 3.00 Acar, Y 05/22/23 - 08/19/23
Comments: Register for this course in the CSCI office. Departmental approval required to register. Email to register for this course.

OPEN 52308 CSCI 4531 80 Computer Security 3.00 Goldfrank, J ROME 201 TR
06:10PM - 08:40PM
05/22/23 - 07/15/23 XList
Comments: Registration is restricted to undergraduate students only. This course satisfies a tech track requirement for the BS and BA degrees and an elective requirement for the minor. Students who have not taken CS 3411 may request department permission to register if they have taken CS 2113.

OPEN 52309 CSCI 4541 80 Network Security 3.00 Refaei, M TOMP 205 TR
06:10PM - 08:40PM
07/03/23 - 08/12/23 XList
Comments: Registration is restricted to undergraduate students only. This course satisfies a tech track requirement for the BS and BA degrees and an elective requirement for the minor.

CANCELLED 50110 CSCI 6212 10 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3.00 05/22/23 - 07/15/23
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 51435 CSCI 6221 20 Advanced Software Paradigms 3.00 Melo, W 1957 E 315 MW
06:10PM - 08:40PM
05/22/23 - 07/15/23
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

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Last Revised : Sep 11, 2024 12:01:18 AM

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