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OPEN 50473 SLAV 1001 10 First-Year Russian 1 4.00 Shatalina, G; Robin, R REMOTE INSTR MTWR
09:35AM - 10:25AM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only.
Slavic Language Fee  $15.00

OPEN 50474 SLAV 1001 11 First-Year Russian 1 4.00 Galie, J; Robin, R; Shatalina, G REMOTE INSTR MTWR
02:20PM - 03:10PM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only.
Slavic Language Fee  $15.00

WAITLIST 53301 SLAV 1001 12 First-Year Russian I 4.00 Shatalina, G; Robin, R; Galie, J REMOTE INSTR MTWR
05:10PM - 06:00PM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only.
Slavic Language Fee  $15.00

OPEN 50475 SLAV 1003 10 Second-Year Russian 1 4.00 Shatalina, G; Robin, R REMOTE INSTR MTWR
11:10AM - 12:00PM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only.
Slavic Language Fee  $15.00

OPEN 50476 SLAV 1003 11 Second-Year Russian 1 4.00 Ovtcharenko, E; Robin, R; Shatalina, G REMOTE INSTR MTWR
03:45PM - 04:35PM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only.
Slavic Language Fee  $15.00

CANCELLED 50477 SLAV 1012 10 Intensive Basic Russian I 8.00 08/31/20 - 12/12/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only.
Slavic Language Fee  $15.00

OPEN 58123 SLAV 1017 10 Russian Rock Music: A Cultural History 3.00 Robin, R REMOTE INSTR TR
04:45PM - 06:00PM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20
Comments: This course is taught in English.

OPEN 50479 SLAV 1391 80 Introduction to Russian Literature I 3.00 McPeak, R REMOTE INSTR TR
09:35AM - 10:50AM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20 XList
Comments: This course is also available as a WID: See SLAV 1391W.10.

OPEN 55515 SLAV 1391W 80 Introduction to Russian Literature I 3.00 McPeak, R REMOTE INSTR TR
09:35AM - 10:50AM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20 XList
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement.

CLOSED 50478 SLAV 2005 10 Intermediate Russian I 5.00 Robin, R; Shatalina, G; Michael, L REMOTE INSTR
12:45PM - 01:35PM
12:45PM - 02:30PM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only.
Slavic Language Fee  $15.00

OPEN 57007 SLAV 2005 11 Intermediate Russian I 5.00 Shatalina, G; Ovtcharenko, E; Robin, R REMOTE INSTR
09:35AM - 10:25AM
09:35AM - 11:20AM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate and consortium students only.
Slavic Language Fee  $15.00

OPEN 56410 SLAV 2007 10 Russia Today: Topics in Advanced Russian I 3.00 Michael, L REMOTE INSTR TR
04:45PM - 06:00PM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20
Slavic Language Fee  $15.00

OPEN 51780 SLAV 2361 10 Russian Culture to 1825 3.00 Rappoport, P REMOTE INSTR R
05:10PM - 07:00PM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20

OPEN 53855 SLAV 2365 10 Twentieth-Century Russian Literature to World War II 3.00 Rollberg, P REMOTE INSTR T
05:10PM - 07:00PM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20

OPEN 50979 SLAV 2785 10 Introduction to Russian Cinema I 3.00 Shull, M REMOTE INSTR TR
02:20PM - 03:35PM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20

OPEN 50737 SLAV 4597 10 Senior Honors Thesis I 3.00 Robin, R 08/31/20 - 12/12/20
Comments: Registration restricted to Russian Language & Literature majors only.

Last Revised : Feb 15, 2025 11:52:06 AM

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