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CANCELLED 70057 SPAN 1001 10 Elementary Spanish I 4.00 05/20/13 - 06/29/13
Span Language Center Fee  $50.00

OPEN 70058 SPAN 1002 10 Elementary Spanish II 4.00 Granja-Falconi, P DUQUES 361 MTWR
12:00PM - 02:00PM
05/20/13 - 06/29/13
Span Language Center Fee  $50.00

CANCELLED 71707 SPAN 1003 10 Intermediate Spanish I 3.00 05/20/13 - 06/29/13
Span Language Center Fee  $50.00

OPEN 71708 SPAN 1004 10 Intermediate Spanish II 3.00 Pichs, A PHIL 511 MTWR
10:00AM - 11:30AM
05/20/13 - 06/29/13
Span Language Center Fee  $50.00

CANCELLED 71706 SPAN 1012 10 Intensive Elementary Spanish 8.00 05/20/13 - 07/13/13

CANCELLED 72209 SPAN 1034 10 Intensive Intermediate Spanish 6.00 05/20/13 - 07/13/13

CANCELLED 72210 SPAN 2005 10 Advanced Spanish I 3.00 05/20/13 - 06/29/13
Span Language Center Fee  $50.00

OPEN 70059 SPAN 2006 10 Advanced Spanish II 3.00 de la Fuente, M; Suarez-Touzon, A PHIL 511 MTWR
12:30PM - 02:00PM
05/20/13 - 06/29/13
Span Language Center Fee  $50.00

CANCELLED 71407 SPAN 2056 10 Intensive Advanced Spanish 6.00 05/20/13 - 06/29/13
Span Language Center Fee  $60.00

OPEN 72536 SPAN 3005 60H Experiencing Cuba: Past and Present 2.00 Pichs, A; de la Fuente, M PHIL 511 MTWRF
01:30PM - 04:15PM
05/20/13 - 07/13/13
Comments: Instructor approval required to register. Register for this course in the Office for Study Abroad. This is a short-term abroad course. Overseas course component in Cuba from June 29- July 8, 2013.
Short-Term Abroad Prog Travel  $2,539.00

OPEN 72534 SPAN 4800 10 Independent Study 1.00 de la Fuente, M 05/20/13 - 08/24/13

Last Revised : Feb 11, 2025 02:52:10 AM

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