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OPEN 70578 PT 8404 10 Kinesiology 4.00 Leach, S; Harwood, K; Deleo, A 05/14/13 - 08/10/13
Comments: Class meets 5/14 - 8/10

OPEN 70579 PT 8405 10 FuncNeuroanat&Electrodiagnstcs 3.00 Bohn, R; Ruckert, E 05/14/13 - 08/10/13
Comments: Class meets 5/14 - 8/10

OPEN 70580 PT 8406 10 ClinicalMedicine&Pharmacology 4.00 Costello, E; Tepper, S 05/14/13 - 08/10/13
Comments: Class meets 5/14 - 8/10

OPEN 71239 PT 8421 10 Women's Health 1.00 Jonely, H 05/14/13 - 08/10/13
Comments: Class meets 5/14 - 8/10

OPEN 70581 PT 8453 10 Ethical&Legal Iss/Patient Care 1.00 Cohn, R; Rogers, G 05/14/13 - 08/10/13
Comments: Class meets 5/14 - 8/10

OPEN 70582 PT 8463 10 Clinical Conference III 1.00 Halvaksz, J; Ruckert, E 05/14/13 - 08/10/13
Comments: Class meets 5/14 - 8/10

OPEN 70678 PT 8466 10 Clinical Conference VI 1.00 Leach, S; Blatt, P 05/14/13 - 08/10/13
Comments: Class meets 5/14 - 8/10

OPEN 70679 PT 8487 10 Clinical Internship I 4.00 Cohn, R; Birkmeier, M 05/20/13 - 08/24/13
Comments: Class meets 6/11 - 8/03

Last Revised : Feb 6, 2025 02:52:08 PM

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