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OPEN 70915 PMGT 6203 10 Communications Elements 3.00 Babb, J MON 353 M
07:10PM - 09:40PM
05/20/13 - 07/27/13
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 70912 PMGT 6204 10 Communications Strategy 3.00 Tracey, E FNGR 221 T
07:10PM - 09:40PM
05/20/13 - 07/27/13
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 70451 PMGT 6211 10 Polling 3.00 Johnson, R 1957 E B17 R
07:10PM - 09:40PM
05/20/13 - 07/27/13
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 71194 PMGT 6216 10 Speechwriting 3.00 Lehrman, R MON 353 W
07:10PM - 09:40PM
05/20/13 - 07/27/13
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 71195 PMGT 6227 10 Women and Leadership 3.00 Kline, M 1957 E 111 T
07:10PM - 09:40PM
05/20/13 - 07/27/13
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 70913 PMGT 6228 10 Law of the Political Process 3.00 Braden, M MON 353 R
07:10PM - 09:40PM
05/20/13 - 07/27/13
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 72594 PMGT 6233 10 Grassroots Politics 3.00 Grefe, E MON 352 T
07:10PM - 09:40PM
05/20/13 - 07/27/13
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 70914 PMGT 6260 10 Running for Office 3.00 Faucheux, R 1957 E 111 W
07:30PM - 09:55PM
05/20/13 - 07/27/13
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 72628 PMGT 6265 10 Opposition Research 3.00 DiResta, B ROME 206 M
07:10PM - 09:40PM
05/20/13 - 07/27/13
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 72495 PMGT 6265 60H Eng.theGreater Mid.East&Africa 3.00 Kennedy, M MPA 305 T
07:10PM - 09:40PM
07/05/13 - 08/24/13
Comments: This is a short-term study abroad course. Overseas course component in Turkey from August 11-17, 2013. Register for this course in the Office for Study Abroad. Instructor approval required to register.
Short-Term Abroad Prog Travel  $864.00

OPEN 70180 PMGT 6290 10 Independent Study 3.00 Arterton, F 05/20/13 - 07/27/13
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 70181 PMGT 6295 10 Advanced Problems and Strategy 3.00 Arterton, F OM 305 M
07:10PM - 09:40PM
05/20/13 - 07/27/13
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 70182 PMGT 6998 10 Thesis Research 3.00 Ettinger, D 05/20/13 - 07/27/13
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 70183 PMGT 6999 10 Thesis Research 3.00 Ettinger, D 05/20/13 - 07/27/13
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Registration restricted to graduate students only.

Last Revised : Feb 6, 2025 01:52:07 PM

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