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OPEN 72553 MKTG 4900 80 Innov & Collab in Marketplace 3.00 Hassan, S DUQUES 262 TR
06:10PM - 09:05PM
07/08/13 - 08/17/13 XList

OPEN 70402 MKTG 4995 70 Independent Study ARR Perry, V 05/20/13 - 08/24/13

CANCELLED 72647 MKTG 6243 10 Marketing Research 3.00 05/20/13 - 06/29/13

OPEN 72497 MKTG 6290 10 Creative Marketing Concepts 3.00 Irizarry, R DUQUES 251 TR
06:10PM - 09:05PM
05/20/13 - 06/29/13

OPEN 72535 MKTG 6290 11 Maketing & the Gov Marketplace 3.00 Meah, T FNGR 209 TR
06:10PM - 09:05PM
05/20/13 - 06/29/13

OPEN 72554 MKTG 6290 80 Innov & Collab in Marketplace 3.00 Hassan, S DUQUES 262 TR
06:10PM - 09:05PM
07/08/13 - 08/17/13 XList

OPEN 70147 MKTG 6298 70 Directed Readings/Research 1.00 Perry, V 05/20/13 - 08/24/13

OPEN 70148 MKTG 6299 70 Thesis Seminar 3.00 Perry, V 05/20/13 - 08/24/13

OPEN 70149 MKTG 6999 70 Thesis Research 3.00 Perry, V 05/20/13 - 08/24/13

OPEN 70150 MKTG 8998 70 Advanced Reading/Research 3.00 Perry, V 05/20/13 - 08/24/13

OPEN 70453 MKTG 8999 70 Dissertation Research ARR Perry, V 05/20/13 - 08/24/13

Last Revised : Feb 6, 2025 01:52:07 PM

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