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CANCELLED 72316 HIST 1011 10 World History, 1500-Present 3.00 05/20/13 - 06/29/13

OPEN 70613 HIST 1011 20 World History, 1500-Present 3.00 Burns, W DUQUES 360 MTWR
10:00AM - 11:30AM
07/08/13 - 08/17/13

CANCELLED 72317 HIST 1120 20 European Civilization in Its World Context II 3.00 07/08/13 - 08/17/13

OPEN 71302 HIST 2340 20 US Diplomatic History 3.00 Muehlenbeck, P GOV 102 MTWR
06:00PM - 07:30PM
07/08/13 - 08/17/13

OPEN 72478 HIST 3045 10 Int'l History of the Cold War 3.00 Hershberg, J GOV 101 TR
09:35AM - 11:45AM
05/20/13 - 06/29/13

CANCELLED 71104 HIST 3045 20 Int'l History of the Cold War 3.00 07/08/13 - 08/17/13

OPEN 70462 HIST 3095 70 Internship 3.00 Becker, W 05/20/13 - 08/24/13
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 70838 HIST 3097 70 Independent Study 3.00 Becker, W 05/20/13 - 08/24/13
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 72319 HIST 3125 10 Europe in the 20th Century 3.00 Martin, G PHIL 109 MTWR
12:30PM - 02:00PM
05/20/13 - 06/29/13

OPEN 72479 HIST 3334 10 The Nuclear Arms Race 3.00 Hershberg, J GOV 101 TR
02:20PM - 04:30PM
05/20/13 - 06/29/13

CANCELLED 71653 HIST 3362 80 Black Women in U.S. History 3.00 07/08/13 - 08/17/13 XList

OPEN 72324 HIST 3711 10 History of Latin America 3.00 Alonso-Gortari, P OM 312 MTWR
06:00PM - 07:30PM
05/20/13 - 06/29/13

OPEN 72963 HIST 4099 10 Senior Honors Thesis Tutorial 3.00 Long, C SEE DEPT 05/20/13 - 08/24/13
Comments: Registration restricted to seniors only. Consortium students are restricted from registering for this course. Departmental approval required to register. See department for meeting location.

OPEN 72693 HIST 6001 80 MakingAmericaModern, 1870-1930 3.00 Kosek, J P 201 TR
06:10PM - 08:30PM
05/20/13 - 06/29/13 XList

CANCELLED 72325 HIST 6030 10 Uses of Hist in Intl Affairs 3.00 05/20/13 - 06/29/13
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 70832 HIST 6030 20 Uses of Hist in Intl Affairs 3.00 Howard, A MON 251 TR
06:10PM - 08:20PM
07/08/13 - 08/17/13
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

CANCELLED 72722 HIST 6032 10 Rdg/Rsch Sem:Strategy & Policy 3.00 05/20/13 - 06/29/13

OPEN 70839 HIST 6097 70 Independent Readings/Research 3.00 Becker, W 05/20/13 - 08/24/13
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 70027 HIST 6138 70 Folger Institute Seminar 3.00 Becker, W 05/20/13 - 08/24/13
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 71722 HIST 6998 70 Thesis Research 3.00 Becker, W 05/20/13 - 08/24/13
Comments: Registration restricted to HIST graduate students only.

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Last Revised : Feb 6, 2025 01:52:07 PM

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