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CANCELLED 72507 EXSC 1110 10 Applied Anatomy/Physiology 1 4.00 05/20/13 - 06/29/13
Comments: Also register for one laboratory section: EXSC 1110.30-.32.
EXNS Materials Fee  $40.00

CANCELLED 72511 EXSC 1111 20 Applied Anatomy/Physiology 2 4.00 07/08/13 - 08/17/13
Comments: Also register for one laboratoy section: EXSC 1111.30-.32.

OPEN 70376 EXSC 3101 10 Independent Study 3.00 Westerman, B 05/20/13 - 07/05/13

OPEN 70377 EXSC 3110 10 Internship 1.00 TO 9.00 Dickman, A 05/20/13 - 07/05/13

OPEN 70375 EXSC 3124 70 Athletic Training Practicum I 3.00 Westerman, B 05/20/13 - 08/24/13
EXNS Materials Fee  $25.00

OPEN 70731 EXSC 3125 70 Athletic Training Practicum II 3.00 Westerman, B 05/20/13 - 08/24/13

OPEN 70732 EXSC 4121 70 AthleticTraining Practicum III 3.00 Barron, M 05/20/13 - 08/24/13
EXNS Materials Fee  $10.00

OPEN 70733 EXSC 4122 70 Athletic Training Practicum IV 3.00 Barron, M 05/20/13 - 08/24/13
EXNS Materials Fee  $35.00

OPEN 72177 EXSC 6213 10 Clinical Internship I 3.00 Hamm, L 05/20/13 - 06/29/13

OPEN 71147 EXSC 6214 10 Clinical Internship II 3.00 Hamm, L 05/20/13 - 07/27/13

OPEN 70725 EXSC 6232 70 Independent Study 1.00 TO 3.00 Miller, T 05/20/13 - 08/24/13

OPEN 70611 EXSC 6233 70 Graduate Internship 1.00 TO 6.00 Dickman, A 05/20/13 - 08/24/13

OPEN 71065 EXSC 6998 70 Thesis Research 3.00 Miller, T 05/20/13 - 08/24/13

OPEN 71066 EXSC 6998 71 Thesis Research 3.00 DiPietro, L 05/20/13 - 08/24/13

OPEN 71067 EXSC 6998 72 Thesis Research 3.00 Danoff, J 05/20/13 - 08/24/13

OPEN 71068 EXSC 6998 73 Thesis Research 3.00 Visek, A 05/20/13 - 08/24/13

Last Revised : Feb 6, 2025 02:52:08 PM

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