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OPEN 70318 EMSE 6001 10 Mgmt of Tech Organizations 3.00 Scullin, M 1776 G 104 MW
06:10PM - 08:40PM
05/20/13 - 07/13/13

OPEN 70288 EMSE 6020 10 Decision Making w/ Uncertainty 3.00 Santos, J 1776 G 168 TR
06:10PM - 08:40PM
05/20/13 - 07/13/13

OPEN 71882 EMSE 6115 80 Uncertainty Analysis for Engin 3.00 Blackford, J 1776 G 143 MW
06:10PM - 08:40PM
05/20/13 - 07/13/13 XList

OPEN 70748 EMSE 6410 10 Survey of Finance & Engr Econ 3.00 Donkor, E 1776 G 101 MW
07:10PM - 09:40PM
05/20/13 - 07/13/13

CANCELLED 70289 EMSE 6801 10 Systems Engineering I 3.00 05/20/13 - 07/13/13

OPEN 72543 EMSE 6850 10 Quant Models in Systems Eng 3.00 Abeledo, H 1957 E 212 TR
06:10PM - 08:40PM
05/20/13 - 07/13/13

OPEN 72279 EMSE 6992 20 Leadership: Crisis&Catastrophe 3.00 Benini, J 1776 G 102 TR
06:10PM - 08:40PM
07/08/13 - 08/17/13

CLOSED 70290 EMSE 6995 70 Research ARR Mazzuchi, T 05/20/13 - 08/24/13
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the EMSE department.

OPEN 70944 EMSE 6998 70 Thesis Research 3.00 05/20/13 - 08/24/13

OPEN 70942 EMSE 6999 70 Thesis Research 3.00 05/20/13 - 08/24/13

OPEN 70692 EMSE 8998 70 Adv Reading & Research ARR Ryan, J 05/20/13 - 08/24/13
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 70693 EMSE 8999 71 Dissertation Research ARR Deason, J 05/20/13 - 08/24/13
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 70694 EMSE 8999 72 Dissertation Research ARR Ryan, J 05/20/13 - 08/24/13
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 70695 EMSE 8999 73 Dissertation Research ARR Duffey, M 05/20/13 - 08/24/13
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 70696 EMSE 8999 74 Dissertation Research ARR Eisner, H 05/20/13 - 08/24/13
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

CLOSED 71132 EMSE 8999 75 Dissertation Research ARR Santos, J 05/20/13 - 08/24/13
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 70705 EMSE 8999 76 Dissertation Research ARR Francis, R 05/20/13 - 08/24/13
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 70698 EMSE 8999 77 Dissertation Research ARR Mazzuchi, T 05/20/13 - 08/24/13
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 70697 EMSE 8999 78 Dissertation Research ARR Murphree, E 05/20/13 - 08/24/13
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 70703 EMSE 8999 79 Dissertation Research ARR Barbera, J 05/20/13 - 08/24/13
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

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Last Revised : Feb 11, 2025 07:52:09 PM

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