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OPEN 70012 ECON 1011 10 Principles of Economics 3.00 Kolasa, A 1957 E 212 MTWR
12:30PM - 02:00PM
05/20/13 - 06/29/13

CANCELLED 70013 ECON 1011 20 Principles of Economics 3.00 07/08/13 - 08/17/13

OPEN 70492 ECON 1012 10 Principles of Economics 3.00 Allahrakha, M MON 113 MTWR
10:00AM - 11:30AM
05/20/13 - 06/29/13

OPEN 72352 ECON 1012 20 Principles of Economics 3.00 Liu, Y ROME 206 MTWR
10:00AM - 11:30AM
07/08/13 - 08/17/13

OPEN 70493 ECON 2101 10 Intermed Microeconomic Theory 3.00 Carrillo, P MON 353 MTWR
12:30PM - 02:00PM
05/20/13 - 06/29/13

OPEN 70279 ECON 2102 80 Intermed Macroeconomic Theory 3.00 Martinez Fernandez, R GOV 101 MW
06:10PM - 08:20PM
07/08/13 - 08/17/13 XList

CANCELLED 72262 ECON 2121 10 Financial Economics 3.00 05/20/13 - 06/29/13

OPEN 71198 ECON 2121 20 Financial Economics 3.00 Broxterman, D GELM B04 MTWR
10:00AM - 11:30AM
07/08/13 - 08/17/13

OPEN 70991 ECON 2151 10 Economic Development 3.00 Bonca, B BELL 106 MTWR
10:00AM - 11:30AM
05/20/13 - 06/29/13

OPEN 72266 ECON 2151 20 Economic Development 3.00 Allwine, M GELM 609 MTWR
10:00AM - 11:30AM
07/08/13 - 08/17/13

OPEN 71276 ECON 2157 10 Urban and Regional Economics 3.00 Carrillo, P MON 350 MTWR
10:00AM - 11:30AM
05/20/13 - 06/29/13

OPEN 70837 ECON 2180 10 Survey of Int'l Economics 3.00 Allwine, M PHIL 109 MTWR
10:00AM - 11:30AM
05/20/13 - 06/29/13

OPEN 72487 ECON 2180 60H Survey of Int'l Economics 3.00 Suranovic, S SEE DEPT 04/26/13 - 06/29/13
Comments: This is a short-term abroad course. Overseas component in China from June 2- June 15, 2013. Register for this course in the Office for Study Abroad. See department for on campus meeting time and location. Instructor approval required to register.
Short-Term Abroad Prog Travel  $1,390.00

CANCELLED 72393 ECON 2181 10 International Economics 3.00 05/20/13 - 06/29/13

OPEN 72263 ECON 2182 10 International Economics 3.00 Refayet, M BELL 105 MTWR
06:00PM - 07:30PM
05/20/13 - 06/29/13

OPEN 72264 ECON 3191 10 Game Theory 3.00 Bonca, B MON 113 MTWR
12:30PM - 02:00PM
05/20/13 - 06/29/13

OPEN 70085 ECON 4199 70 Independent Research-Economics 3.00 05/20/13 - 08/24/13
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 70009 ECON 6217 20 Survey of Microeconomics 3.00 Boulier, B PHIL B152 MW
06:10PM - 08:20PM
07/08/13 - 08/17/13

OPEN 70278 ECON 6218 80 Survey of Macroeconomics 3.00 Martinez Fernandez, R GOV 101 MW
06:10PM - 08:20PM
07/08/13 - 08/17/13 XList

OPEN 70314 ECON 6280 10 Survey-International Economics 3.00 Belous, R BELL 108 MW
06:10PM - 08:30PM
05/20/13 - 06/29/13

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Last Revised : Feb 6, 2025 01:52:07 PM

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