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CLOSED 14053 PAD 2117 10 Executive Branch Politics 3.00 Cropp, D GOV 101 MW
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

CLOSED 14054 PAD 2117 80 Executive Branch Politics 3.00 Cropp, D DUQUES 151 MW
08:00AM - 09:15AM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11 XList

CANCELLED 15228 PAD 6000 10 CrossSectoralCollabrtn&Govrnc 1.00 01/10/11 - 04/25/11

CANCELLED 15229 PAD 6003 10 Econ for Pub Decision Making 3.00 01/10/11 - 04/25/11

CANCELLED 11441 PAD 6005 10 Public Budgeting,Revenue,Expnd 3.00 01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: Registration restricted to PAD and PPOL majors only.

OPEN 16231 PAD 6005 11 Public Budgeting,Revenue,Expnd 3.00 Brunori, D MPA 305 M
06:10PM - 10:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

OPEN 12833 PAD 6005 12 Public Budgeting,Revenue,Expnd 3.00 Kasdin, S MPA 305
MPA 305
06:10PM - 08:00PM
08:10PM - 10:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: Registration restricted to PAD and PPOL majors only.

CLOSED 15230 PAD 6005 13 Public Budgeting,Revenue,Expnd 3.00 Kasdin, S MPA 305 W
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

CLOSED 12260 PAD 6006 80 Policy Analysis 3.00 Infeld, D MON 352 W
11:10AM - 01:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11 XList
Comments: Course open to students in select disciplines only. See department for details.

CLOSED 13198 PAD 6006 81 Policy Analysis 3.00 Linquiti, P MON 113 M
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11 XList
Comments: Course open to students in select disciplines only. See department for details.

OPEN 11438 PAD 6009 10 Capstone Seminar 3.00 Brainard, L MON 451 T
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: Registration restricted to PAD majors only. This is a service learning course.

CLOSED 14536 PAD 6009 11 Capstone Seminar 3.00 Brainard, L GOV 101 T
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: Registration restricted to PAD majors only. This is a service learning course.

OPEN 16232 PAD 6009 12 Capstone Seminar 3.00 Brainard, L MON 110 W
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: This is a service learning course.

OPEN 13194 PAD 6012 80 Research Methods/Applied Stat 3.00 Augustine, N MPA 309 M
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11 XList
Comments: Course open to students in select disciplines only. See department for details. Also register for laboratory section: PAD 6012.82.

CLOSED 12144 PAD 6012 81 Research Methods/Applied Stat 3.00 Rigby, D MPA 305 R
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11 XList
Comments: Course open to students in select disciplines only. See department for details. Also register for laboratory section: PAD 6012.83.

CLOSED 16233 PAD 6024 10 Managerl Leadershp-Complex Org 3.00 Allen, T; Cordes, J MPA 309 R
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: Registration restricted to Public Policy and Administration majors only. Departmental approval required to regsiter.

CLOSED 12512 PAD 6031 10 Governing&ManagingNonProfOrgs 3.00 Worth, M MON 352 T
11:10AM - 01:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

CLOSED 12145 PAD 6032 10 Managing Fund Raising&Philanth 3.00 Worth, M MON 113 W
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

CLOSED 12880 PAD 6033 10 Non-profit Enterprise 3.00 Worth, M MON 352 M
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

OPEN 16234 PAD 6042 10 Managing-State/Local Governmnt 3.00 Carlee, R MON 353 R
07:10PM - 09:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11

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Last Revised : Feb 15, 2025 11:52:06 AM

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