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OPEN 11588 CNSL 0920 10 Continuing Research - Masters 1.00 Garcia, J 01/10/11 - 04/25/11

OPEN 11648 CNSL 0940 10 Cont Research - Doctoral 1.00 01/10/11 - 04/25/11

CANCELLED 10128 CNSL 2162 80 Prof & Ethical Orient CNSLG 3.00 01/10/11 - 04/25/11 XList
Comments: Registration restricted to juniors & seniors only.

OPEN 15729 CNSL 6100 10 Sch Fam Comm Partnshp Prac 1.00 Bryan, J PHIL 111
ROME 459
05:00PM - 09:00PM
09:00AM - 05:00PM
01/21/11 - 01/22/11

OPEN 15730 CNSL 6100 11 Clsrm/Beh Mgt for School Cnsls 1.00 Brown, M PHIL 109
PHIL 109
05:00PM - 09:00PM
05:00PM - 09:00PM
03/04/11 - 03/05/11

CANCELLED 16250 CNSL 6100 12 Adv Mulicultural Resrch Prac 3.00 01/10/11 - 04/25/11

OPEN 17004 CNSL 6100 13 Cnsling LGBT Adolescents 1.00 Goldman, L PHIL 413
PHIL 413
05:00PM - 09:00PM
09:00AM - 05:00PM
04/15/11 - 04/16/11
Comments: This course meets: 4/15/2011 -4/16/2011.

OPEN 10133 CNSL 6101 10 Research and Independent Study 1.00 TO 3.00 Garcia, J 01/10/11 - 04/25/11

OPEN 10660 CNSL 6101 11 Research and Independent Study 1.00 TO 3.00 Heddesheimer, J 01/10/11 - 04/25/11

OPEN 10661 CNSL 6101 12 Research and Independent Study 1.00 TO 3.00 Hoare, C 01/10/11 - 04/25/11

CLOSED 10662 CNSL 6101 13 Research and Independent Study 1.00 TO 3.00 Megivern, M 01/10/11 - 04/25/11

OPEN 10663 CNSL 6101 14 Research and Independent Study 1.00 TO 3.00 Hergenrather, K 01/10/11 - 04/25/11

OPEN 10678 CNSL 6101 15 Research and Independent Study 1.00 TO 3.00 Marotta-Walters, S 01/10/11 - 04/25/11

OPEN 11403 CNSL 6101 16 Research and Independent Study 1.00 TO 3.00 Lanthier, R 01/10/11 - 04/25/11

OPEN 11581 CNSL 6101 17 Research and Independent Study 1.00 TO 3.00 Erickson, C 01/10/11 - 04/25/11

CLOSED 11660 CNSL 6101 18 Research and Independent Study 1.00 TO 3.00 Schwallie-Giddis, P 01/10/11 - 04/25/11

OPEN 13257 CNSL 6101 19 Research and Independent Study 1.00 TO 3.00 Beveridge, S 01/10/11 - 04/25/11

OPEN 14287 CNSL 6101 20 Research and Independent Study 1.00 TO 3.00 Steen, S 01/10/11 - 04/25/11

CANCELLED 10129 CNSL 6151 80 Prof & Ethical Orient CNSLG 3.00 01/10/11 - 04/25/11 XList
Comments: Instructor approval required for non-CNSL majors.

OPEN 10130 CNSL 6153 10 Counseling Interview Skills 3.00 Siblo, M DUQUES 362 W
05:10PM - 07:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Comments: Instructor approval required for non-CNSL majors.
Cnsl Course Fee-161501  $25.00

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Last Revised : Feb 11, 2025 02:52:10 AM

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