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OPEN 13670 FA 1011 10 Design I: 2D 3.00 Stephanic, J SMTH A-405 R
08:00AM - 12:25PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Art Course Fee  $105.00

CLOSED 13671 FA 1011 11 Design I: 2D 3.00 McCutcheon, M SMTH 203 MW
01:00PM - 04:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Art Course Fee  $105.00

OPEN 13672 FA 1012 10 Design I: 3D 3.00 Fox, S SMTH 203 TR
01:00PM - 04:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Art Course Fee  $105.00

CLOSED 13676 FA 1014 10 Handbuilt Ceramics 3.00 Varga, J SMTH 304 TR
09:35AM - 12:25PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Art Course Fee  $105.00

CLOSED 13677 FA 1015 10 Wheelthrown Ceramics 3.00 McCracken, J SMTH 304 TR
12:45PM - 03:35PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Art Course Fee  $105.00

CLOSED 14377 FA 1015 11 Wheelthrown Ceramics 3.00 Yanessa, D SMTH 304 TR
03:55PM - 06:45PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Art Course Fee  $105.00

CLOSED 13673 FA 1017 10 Sculpture I 3.00 Yamaguchi, Y SMTH 314 MW
01:00PM - 04:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Art Course Fee  $105.00

OPEN 13674 FA 1017 11 Sculpture I 3.00 Fox, S SMTH 314 TR
09:00AM - 12:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Art Course Fee  $105.00

CLOSED 12837 FA 1021 10 Drawing I 3.00 Amaya, C SMTH 401A MW
09:00AM - 12:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Art Course Fee  $105.00

CLOSED 12199 FA 1021 11 Drawing I 3.00 Wright, J SMTH 401B TR
09:35AM - 12:25PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Art Course Fee  $105.00

OPEN 13620 FA 1021 12 Drawing I 3.00 Wright, J SMTH 401B TR
01:00PM - 04:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Art Course Fee  $105.00

OPEN 13857 FA 1021 13 Drawing I 3.00 Delivuk, C SMTH 401A TR
09:00AM - 12:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Art Course Fee  $105.00

OPEN 13683 FA 1022 10 Drawing II 3.00 Wright, J SMTH 401B MW
09:35AM - 12:25PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Art Course Fee  $105.00

OPEN 13685 FA 1026 10 Painting: Visual Thinking 3.00 Levine, J SMTH 407 MW
01:00PM - 04:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Art Course Fee  $105.00

CLOSED 13686 FA 1026 11 Painting: Visual Thinking 3.00 O'Connell, M SMTH 407 TR
09:00AM - 12:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Art Course Fee  $105.00

OPEN 13687 FA 1027 10 Painting: Structure and Color 3.00 Kallem, R SMTH 407 MW
09:00AM - 12:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Art Course Fee  $105.00

CLOSED 11546 FA 1041 10 Black & White Photography 3.00 Alston, O SMTH 214 M
05:35PM - 10:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Art Course Fee  $105.00

CLOSED 13621 FA 1041 11 Black & White Photography 3.00 Saah, C SMTH 214 M
12:45PM - 05:10PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Art Course Fee  $105.00

OPEN 13622 FA 1041 12 Black & White Photography 3.00 Chao, C SMTH 214 W
08:00AM - 12:25PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Art Course Fee  $105.00

OPEN 13642 FA 1041 13 Black & White Photography 3.00 Carr-Shaffer, K SMTH 214 T
05:35PM - 10:00PM
01/10/11 - 04/25/11
Art Course Fee  $105.00

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Last Revised : Aug 31, 2024 08:01:23 PM

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