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WAITLIST 84853 CIAR 1000 10 Modern Architecture & Design 3.00 Travis, S FLAGG 215 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Registration restricted to CCAS freshmen only. For more information about Dean's Seminars click on

CLOSED 84854 CIAR 3200 10 Studio 2 6.00 Donahue, A FLAGG 217 MW
02:00PM - 06:30PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Registration restricted to Interior Architecture undergraduate students only.
Int Architecture Course Fee  $105.00

OPEN 87359 CIAR 3200 11 Studio 2 6.00 Jones, A FLAGG 216 MW
02:00PM - 06:30PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Registration restricted to Interior Architecture BFA graduate students only.
Int Architecture Course Fee  $105.00

OPEN 84855 CIAR 3225 10 Understanding Materials and Color 3.00 Jones, A FLAGG 219 R
10:30AM - 01:00PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Registration restricted to Interior Architecture undergraduate students only. Instructor approval required for non-IA majors.

OPEN 84856 CIAR 3250 10 Introductory Digital Design Tools 3.00 Speck, E FLAGG B120 T
09:00AM - 01:30PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Registration restricted to Interior Architecture undergraduate students only.

OPEN 87360 CIAR 3250 11 Introductory Digital Design Tools 3.00 Choi, D FLAGG B120 R
02:00PM - 06:30PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Registration restricted to Interior Architecture undergraduate students only.

OPEN 84857 CIAR 4400 10 Studio 4 6.00 Misri, M FLAGG 216 TR
09:00AM - 01:30PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Registration restricted to Interior Architecture undergraduate students only.
Int Architecture Course Fee  $105.00

OPEN 87361 CIAR 4400 11 Studio 4 6.00 Stone, M FLAGG 217 TR
09:00AM - 01:30PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Registration restricted to Interior Architecture BFA graduate students only.
Int Architecture Course Fee  $105.00

OPEN 84858 CIAR 4425 10 Fundamentals of Lighting and Acoustics 3.00 Speck, E FLAGG 212 W
12:00PM - 02:30PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Registration restricted to Interior Architecture undergraduate students only.

CLOSED 84859 CIAR 4450W 10 Pre-Design for Studio 5 3.00 Anderson, C FLAGG 212 M
02:00PM - 06:30PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Registration restricted to Interior Architecture undergraduate students only. This course will satisfy a WID requirement.

OPEN 87362 CIAR 4450W 11 Pre-Design for Studio 5 3.00 Filipescu, C FLAGG 218 M
02:00PM - 06:30PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Registration restricted to Interior Architecture undergraduate students only. This course will satisfy a WID requirement.

OPEN 84860 CIAR 6100 10 Studio 1 Graduate 6.00 Anderson, C FLAGG 216 MW
09:00AM - 01:30PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Registration restricted to Interior Architecture MFA graduate students only.
Int Architecture Course Fee  $105.00

OPEN 84861 CIAR 6125 10 Graphic Communications 3.00 Choi, D FLAGG B136 T
12:30PM - 05:00PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Registration restricted to Interior Architecture MFA graduate students only.

OPEN 84862 CIAR 6150 10 Sketching Archictecture/Design 3.00 Ames, B FLAGG 212 TR
09:00AM - 11:15AM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Registration restricted to Interior Architecture MFA graduate students only.

OPEN 84863 CIAR 6400 10 Studio 4 (Graduate) 6.00 Volchansky, N FLAGG 105 TR
09:00AM - 01:30PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Registration restricted to Interior Architecture MFA graduate students only.
Int Architecture Course Fee  $105.00

OPEN 84864 CIAR 6425 10 Lighting and Acoustics 3.00 Speck, E FLAGG 212 W
09:00AM - 11:30AM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Registration restricted to Interior Architecture MFA graduate students only.

OPEN 84865 CIAR 6450 10 Research Seminar for Studio 5 3.00 Filipescu, C FLAGG 217 M
09:00AM - 01:30PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Registration restricted to Interior Architecture MFA graduate students only.

CANCELLED 84866 CIAR 6800 10 Studio A Graduate 6.00 08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Registration restricted to Interior Architecture MA graduate students only.
Int Architecture Course Fee  $105.00

OPEN 88243 CIAR 6810 10 Advanced Interior Environments 3.00 Klineberg, J FLAGG 218 TR
10:00AM - 12:15PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Registration restricted to Interior Architecture MA graduate students
Int Architecture Course Fee  $55.00

OPEN 88244 CIAR 6815 10 Design Theory and Criticism 3.00 Abukurah, G FLAGG 216 T
02:00PM - 04:30PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Registration restricted Graduate students

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Last Revised : Feb 15, 2025 12:52:10 AM

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