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OPEN 87890 HSML 6255 2U1 Leadership and Ethics I 1.50 Allen, R; Friedman, L SEE DEPT UFS
08:00AM - 06:00PM
09/20/24 - 09/22/24

OPEN 87891 HSML 6256 2U Leadership and Ethics II 3.00 Jaeger, G 09/18/24 - 09/22/24 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course taught on campus. Registration restricted to MHA@GW and MPH@GW students only.

OPEN 87894 HSML 6258 2U Health System Analysis 3.00 Friedman, L 10/14/24 - 10/18/24 Linked
Comments: Registration restricted to MHA@GW & MPH@GW students only. Immersion course fee $500.

OPEN 87899 HSML 6259 2U1 Organization Research Project and Portfolio Presentation 1.50 Friedman, L RFS
08:00AM - 06:00PM
12/05/24 - 12/07/24

OPEN 83547 HSML 6264 2U Health Care Management and Strategy 5.00 Friedman, L 09/23/24 - 12/08/24 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course taught online. Registration restricted to MHA@GW and HealthInformatics@GW students only. Also register for one discussion section of HSML 6264.

OPEN 83548 HSML 6265 2U Medical Informatics and Decision Management 5.00 MacTaggart, P 09/23/24 - 12/08/24 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course taught online. Registration restricted to MHA@GW HealthInformatics@GW students only. Also register for one discussion section of HSML 6265.

OPEN 83550 HSML 6267 2U Community and Population Health 5.00 Byrnes, M 09/23/24 - 12/08/24 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course taught online. Registration restricted to MHA@GW students only. Also register for one discussion section of HSML 6267.

OPEN 83551 HSML 6268 2U Health Economics and Quantitative Methods 5.00 Helmchen, L 09/23/24 - 12/08/24 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course taught online. Registration restricted to MHA@GW student only. Also register for one discussion section of HSML 6268.

OPEN 83552 HSML 6269 2U Quality and Performance Improvement 5.00 Psek, W 09/23/24 - 12/08/24 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course taught online. Registration restricted to MHA@GW students only. Also register for a discussion section of hsml 6269.

OPEN 83553 HSML 6281 2U Systems Thinking and Learning 4.00 Friedman, L 09/23/24 - 12/08/24 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course taught online. Registration restricted to MHA@GW students only. Also register for a discussion section of hsml 6281.

OPEN 83981 HSML 6282 2U1 Organizational Research Project I 1.00 Friedman, L 09/23/24 - 12/08/24
Comments: This is a distance learning course taught online. Registration restricted to MHA@GW students only.

Last Revised : Feb 6, 2025 12:52:09 PM

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