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OPEN 86860 HSCI 1106 DE Introduction to Biotechnology for Health Sciences 3.00 Firmani, M; Ganjoo, R ON LINE 08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 82188 HSCI 2101 DB Psychosocial Aspects of Health and Illness 3.00 Rasgus, S; Trask, M; Koch, U ON LINE 10/21/24 - 12/14/24
Comments: This is an online course offered in an 8-week format. See the Schedule of Classes for specific dates. For SMHS students only.

OPEN 82078 HSCI 2102 DE Pathophysiology 3.00 Rasgus, S; Trask, M; Ganjoo, R ON LINE 08/26/24 - 12/08/24
Comments: This is an online course offered in a 15-week format. See the Schedule of Classes for specific dates. For SMHS students only.
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $30.00

OPEN 81917 HSCI 2112W DA Writing in the Health Sciences 3.00 Trask, M; Rasgus, S; Lotrecchiano, G ON LINE 08/22/24 - 10/15/24
Comments: This is an online course offered in an 8-week format. See the Schedule of Classes for specific dates. For SMHS students only.

OPEN 87096 HSCI 3109 DB Trends and Innovations in Healthcare 3.00 Trask, M; Bloom, G; Rasgus, S; Davidson, L ON LINE 10/21/24 - 12/14/24

OPEN 84957 HSCI 3113 DA Health Policy and the Health Care System 3.00 Rasgus, S; Trask, M; Barclay, J ON LINE 08/26/24 - 10/19/24
Comments: This is an online course offered in an 8-week format. See the Schedule of Classes for specific dates. For SMHS students only.

OPEN 84112 HSCI 4102 DB Human Physiology in Extreme Environments 3.00 Lafleur, J; Rasgus, S; Trask, M; Garrett, A; Young, S ON LINE 10/21/24 - 12/14/24
Comments: This is an online course offered in an 8-week format. See the Schedule of Classes for specific dates. For SMHS students only.

OPEN 81928 HSCI 4105 DE Case Studies in Healthcare 3.00 McCall, T; Trask, M; Rasgus, S ON LINE 08/26/24 - 12/08/24
Comments: This is an online course offered in a 15-week format. See the Schedule of Classes for specific dates. For SMHS students only.

OPEN 82439 HSCI 4106 DE Introduction to Epidemiology for Health Sciences 3.00 Trask, M; Schlumpf, K; Rasgus, S ON LINE 08/26/24 - 12/08/24
Comments: This is an online course offered in a 15-week format. See the Schedule of Classes for specific dates. For SMHS students only.

OPEN 83457 HSCI 4112W DB Research and Writing in Health Sciences 3.00 Rasgus, S; Trask, M; Ward, M ON LINE 10/21/24 - 12/14/24
Comments: This is an online course offered in an 8-week format. See the Schedule of Classes for specific dates. For SMHS students only.

OPEN 82290 HSCI 6223 DB1 Topics in Health Care Leadership 3.00 Francis, R; Trask, M; Rasgus, S; Metcalf, K ON LINE 10/21/24 - 12/14/24
Comments: This is an online course offered in an 8-week format. See the Schedule of Classes for specific dates. For SMHS students only.

OPEN 82700 HSCI 6240 DB Issues and Trends in the Health Care System 3.00 Lessard, D; Rasgus, S; Carthew, E; Trask, M ON LINE 10/21/24 - 12/14/24
Comments: This is an online course offered in an 8-week format. See the Schedule of Classes for specific dates. For SMHS students only.

OPEN 82702 HSCI 6241 DB The Health Care Enterprise 3.00 Scalzo, N; Trask, M; Carthew, E; Rasgus, S; Davidson, L ON LINE 10/21/24 - 12/14/24
Comments: This is an online course offered in an 8-week format. See the Schedule of Classes for specific dates. For SMHS students only.

OPEN 82515 HSCI 6263 DB Biostatistics Translational Research 3.00 McCall, T; Trask, M; Rasgus, S ON LINE 10/21/24 - 12/14/24
Comments: This is an online course offered in an 8-week format. See the Schedule of Classes for specific dates. For SMHS students only.
Remote Proctor/Simulation Fee  $30.00

OPEN 82704 HSCI 6264 DB Epidemiology Translational Research 3.00 Schlumpf, K; Rasgus, S; Trask, M ON LINE 10/21/24 - 12/14/24
Comments: This is an online course offered in an 8-week format. See the Schedule of Classes for specific dates. For SMHS students only.

OPEN 88316 HSCI 6291 DE Advncd Topics/Healthcare Sim 3.00 Maring, J; Paganotti, L ON LINE 08/22/24 - 12/09/24

OPEN 88428 HSCI 6297 DE1 Independent Study for Health Professionals 3.00 Maring, J; Gill, N; Costello, E ON LINE 08/22/24 - 12/09/24

Last Revised : Feb 6, 2025 01:52:07 PM

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