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OPEN 85471 BADM 4001 12 Undergraduate Research 1.00 Espanola, M; Douglas, C ON LINE T
05:10PM - 06:00PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Departmental approval is required to register for this course. Students must have secured an Undergraduate Research Project with a GW Faculty member before requesting Departmental approval. Submit the signed Undergraduate Research Agreement Form through the BADM 4001 Registration Request Link ( by Wednesday, September 4, 2024. For more details about the course and the Business Leader Development Program, go to

OPEN 85473 BADM 4001 14 Internships 1.00 Espanola, M; Robinson, A ON LINE W
05:10PM - 06:00PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Departmental approval is required to register for this course. Students must have an internship/job offer before requesting Departmental approval. Submit the internship/job offer along with a signed Internship Agreement Form through the BADM 4001 Registration Request Link ( by Wednesday, September 4, 2024. For more details about the course and the Business Leader Development Program, go to

OPEN 87476 BADM 4001 15 Internships 1.00 Goodwin, L; Espanola, M ON LINE W
05:10PM - 06:00PM
08/22/24 - 12/09/24
Comments: Departmental approval is required to register for this course. Students must have an internship/job offer before requesting Departmental approval. Submit the internship/job offer along with a signed Internship Agreement Form through the BADM 4001 Registration Request Link ( by Wednesday, September 4, 2024. For more details about the course and the Business Leader Development Program, go to

Last Revised : Feb 8, 2025 08:52:11 AM

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