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WAITLIST 70338 ENGL 1210 D01 Introduction to Creative Writing 3.00 Hamburger, A ON LINE 05/20/24 - 06/29/24
Comments: This is a distance learning course.

OPEN 71859 ENGL 1210 D20 Introduction to Creative Writing 3.00 Close, J ON LINE 07/01/24 - 08/10/24
Comments: This is a distance learning course.

OPEN 72346 ENGL 1315 D01 Literature and the Financial Imagination 3.00 Dugan, H ON LINE 05/20/24 - 06/29/24
Comments: This is a distance learning course.

OPEN 71898 ENGL 1315 D20 Literature and the Financial Imagination 3.00 Dugan, H ON LINE 07/01/24 - 08/10/24
Comments: This is a distance learning course.

OPEN 72345 ENGL 2411W D01 Introduction to English Literature II 3.00 Frawley, M ON LINE 05/20/24 - 06/29/24
Comments: This is a distance learning course.

OPEN 71446 ENGL 2411W D20 Introduction to English Literature II 3.00 Frawley, M ON LINE 07/01/24 - 08/10/24
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement. This is a distance learning course.

CANCELLED 72738 ENGL 2800W D80 Introduction to Critical Theory 3.00 05/20/24 - 06/29/24 XList

OPEN 72420 ENGL 2800W D81 Introduction to Critical Theory 3.00 Joubin, A ON LINE 07/01/24 - 08/10/24 XList
Comments: This is a distance learning course. This course will satisfy a WID requirement.

WAITLIST 70462 ENGL 3390 D20 Creative Nonfiction 3.00 Page, L ON LINE 07/01/24 - 08/10/24
Comments: This is a distance learning course.

OPEN 71899 ENGL 3440W D80 Shakespear, Race and Gender 3.00 Joubin, A ON LINE 07/01/24 - 08/10/24 XList
Comments: This is a distance learning course. This course will satisfy a WID requirement.

Last Revised : Feb 27, 2025 08:52:08 PM

© 2025 The George Washington University  -  1922 F Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20052  -  (202) 994-1000