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OPEN 82075 IAFF 2040 DE Global Investigations 1.00 Andriano, B ON LINE 06/28/21 - 08/07/21
Comments: Registration is restricted to students enrolled in the Global Bachelor's program. Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 83196 IAFF 2040 DE2 Global Inquiries 1.00 Donaghue, J ON LINE F
10:00AM - 12:00PM
07/09/21 - 07/23/21
Comments: Registration is restricted to students enrolled in the Global Bachelor's program. Departmental approval required to register. This course meets: 7/9, 7/16 and 7/23.

OPEN 82888 IAFF 6118 OE1 Applied Qual Methods 3.00 Rose-Jensen, S ON LINE M
07:10PM - 08:30PM
05/17/21 - 08/21/21

CANCELLED 82318 IAFF 6138 OE1 Gender and Develoment 3.00 05/17/21 - 08/21/21
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. This is a distance learning course. This course includes a weekly synchronous session.

OPEN 82863 IAFF 6138 OE2 Bottom-Up Development 3.00 Maguire, R ON LINE R
05:10PM - 06:30PM
05/17/21 - 08/02/21
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. This is a distance learning course. This course includes a weekly synchronous session.

OPEN 81857 IAFF 6173 OE Security and Development 3.00 Foley, J ON LINE T
07:10PM - 08:30PM
05/17/21 - 08/21/21
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. This is a distance learning course. This course includes a weekly synchronous session.

OPEN 82241 IAFF 6216 OE EconomicToolsforGlobalPolicy 3.00 Sorurbakhsh, L ON LINE T
05:10PM - 06:30PM
05/17/21 - 08/21/21
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. This is a distance learning course. This course includes a weekly synchronous session.

OPEN 82485 IAFF 6521 OE1 U.S. Foreign Policy Summer Program 3.00 Kojm, C ON LINE TR
05:10PM - 07:00PM
05/17/21 - 06/26/21
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Department will register students. To register, contact This is a distance learning course.

OPEN 82486 IAFF 6521 OE2 U.S. Foreign Policy Summer Program 3.00 Kojm, C REMOTE INSTR TR
05:10PM - 07:00PM
05/17/21 - 06/26/21
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Department will register students. To register, contact This is a distance learning course.

CANCELLED 82487 IAFF 6521 OE3 U.S. Foreign Policy Summer Program 3.00 05/17/21 - 06/26/21
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Department will register students. To register, contact This is a distance learning course.

CANCELLED 82488 IAFF 6521 OE4 U.S. Foreign Policy Summer Program 3.00 05/17/21 - 06/26/21
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Department will register students. To register, contact This is a distance learning course.

CANCELLED 82658 IAFF 6521 OE5 U.S. Foreign Policy Summer Program 3.00 06/28/21 - 08/07/21
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Department will register students. To register, contact This is a distance learning course.

CANCELLED 82660 IAFF 6521 OE6 U.S. Foreign Policy Summer Program 3.00 06/28/21 - 08/07/21
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Department will register students. To register, contact This is a distance learning course.

Last Revised : Feb 6, 2025 12:52:09 PM

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