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OPEN 34202 MBAD 6205 ON Business Essentials for Dynamic Markets 1.50 El Tarabishy, A ON LINE 08/25/25 - 10/18/25 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Registration restricted to HCMBA, OMBA, and PMBA students only. This course meets in the first half of the semester. Also register for one discussion section : MBAD 6205.N30-.N32
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OPEN 36501 MBAD 6205 ON1 Business Essentials for Dynamic Markets 1.50 El Tarabishy, A ON LINE 08/25/25 - 10/18/25 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Registration restricted to HCMBA, OMBA, and PMBA students only. This course meets in the first half of the semester. Also register for one discussion section : MBAD 6205.N33-.N35
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OPEN 31726 MBAD 6213 ON Accounting for Internal Decision Making 1.50 Boettcher, A ON LINE 10/20/25 - 12/13/25 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course. This course intended for OMBA and HCMBA students only. This course meets during the first half of the semester. Also register for one discussion section: MBAD 6213.N30 -.N32.
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OPEN 37771 MBAD 6213 ON1 Accounting for Internal Decision Making 1.50 ON LINE 08/25/25 - 12/08/25 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course. This course intended for OMBA and HCMBA students only. This course meets during the first half of the semester. Also register for one discussion section: MBAD 6213.N33 -.N35.
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OPEN 31734 MBAD 6223 ON Operations Management 1.50 ON LINE 10/20/25 - 12/13/25 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course. This course is intended for online MBA students only. This course meets during the second half of the semester. Also register for one discussion section: MBAD 6223.N30-.N32
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OPEN 32432 MBAD 6224 ON Decision Making and Data Analysis 3.00 Rodriguez, D ON LINE 08/25/25 - 12/08/25 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course. This course is intended for online students in OMBA, HCMBA, MiM, MSPM and related certificates. Students must also register for one discussion section: MBAD 6224.N30-N31.
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OPEN 33036 MBAD 6224 ON1 Decision Making and Data Analysis 3.00 Tarimcilar, M ON LINE 08/25/25 - 12/08/25 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course. This course is intended for online students in OMBA, HCMBA, MiM, MSPM and related certificates. Students must also register for one discussion section: MBAD 6224.N33-.N34.
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OPEN 32746 MBAD 6235 ON Finance 3.00 Savickas, R ON LINE 08/25/25 - 12/08/25 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course. This course is intended for online students in OMBA, HCMBA, MiM, and related certificates. Students must also register for one discussion section: MBAD 6224.N30-N32.
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OPEN 34446 MBAD 6250 ON Technology for Business in DC 1.50 Harter, E ON LINE 10/20/25 - 12/13/25 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Registration restricted to online OMBA and HCMBA students only. This course meets during the second half of the semester. Students must also register for one discussion section: MBAD 6250.N30-N32.
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OPEN 34447 MBAD 6250 ON1 Technology for Business in DC 1.50 Sharma, S ON LINE 10/20/25 - 12/13/25 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Registration restricted to online OMBA and HCMBA students only. This course meets during the second half of the semester. Students must also register for one discussion section: MBAD 6250.N33-N35.
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OPEN 32038 MBAD 6263 ON Organizations and Human Capital 3.00 Bailey, J ON LINE U
08:00PM - 10:00PM
08/25/25 - 12/08/25
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Registration restricted to online OMBA, HCMBA, MiM, MHRM, and related certificate students only.
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OPEN 36511 MBAD 6263 ON1 Organizations and Human Capital 3.00 Ramani, R ON LINE T
08:00PM - 10:00PM
08/25/25 - 12/08/25
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Registration restricted to online OMBA, HCMBA, MiM, MHRM, and related certificate students only.
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OPEN 34089 MBAD 6274 ON Marketing 3.00 Turkot, K ON LINE 08/25/25 - 12/08/25 Linked
Comments: This is a distance education course. Registration restricted to online students in OMBA, HCMBA, MiM, and related certificate students only. Please also register for one discussion section: MBAD 6274.N30-.N32
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OPEN 36518 MBAD 6288 ON Strategic Management 3.00 Halliday, D ON LINE 08/25/25 - 12/08/25 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning class. Registration restricted to HCMBA and OMBA students only. Also register for one discussion section : MBAD 6205.N30-.N32
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Last Revised : Mar 26, 2025 09:47:14 AM

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