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OPEN 11471 IAFF 2101 DE IA Research Methds-Qualitative 3.00 Greiff, J TR
05:10PM - 06:30PM
05/19/25 - 08/16/25 XList
Comments: This is a distance learning course.
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OPEN 12798 IAFF 6118 80 Holocaust Ed& Contemporary Ant 3.00 Weltman, I W
12:00PM - 01:30PM
05/19/25 - 08/16/25 XList
Comments: This is a distance learning course. that meets every other Wednesday from 12-1:30 pm. Please email for additional course information.
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OPEN 11567 IAFF 6118 DE Applied Qual Methods 3.00 Greiff, J TR
05:10PM - 06:30PM
06/30/25 - 08/09/25 XList
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. This is a distance learning course. This course includes a weekly synchronous session
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OPEN 12017 IAFF 6163 DE Transnatl Sec & Illicit Financ 3.00 Jermano, J W
05:10PM - 06:30PM
05/19/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. This is a distance learning course. This course includes a weekly synchronous session.
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OPEN 11131 IAFF 6173 DE Security and Development 3.00 Cormier, M ON LINE R
07:10PM - 08:30PM
05/19/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. This is a distance learning course. This course includes a weekly synchronous session.
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OPEN 11132 IAFF 6186 DE2 Insurgency & CounterInsurgency 3.00 Gavrilis, J ON LINE W
07:10PM - 08:30PM
05/19/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. This is a distance learning course. This course includes a weekly synchronous session.
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OPEN 12330 IAFF 6186 DE3 United States NationalSecurity 3.00 Farrell, K ON LINE W
05:10PM - 06:30PM
05/19/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. This is a distance learning course. This course includes a weekly synchronous session.
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OPEN 11271 IAFF 6216 DE Analytic Tools for Global Policy 3.00 Sorurbakhsh, L ON LINE MW
05:10PM - 06:30PM
05/19/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. This is a distance learning course. This course includes a weekly synchronous session.
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OPEN 12329 IAFF 6501 DE Quantitative Analysis for International Affairs Practitioners 3.00 Kramon, E ON LINE MW
05:10PM - 06:30PM
05/19/25 - 06/28/25
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. This is a distance learning course. This course includes a weekly synchronous session.
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OPEN 12331 IAFF 6502 DE2 Ethics in International Affair 1.00 Ray, B ON LINE US
09:00AM - 04:00PM
05/19/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. This is a distance learning course that includes asynchronous instruction from 5/27 - 6/27 with synchronous sessions being held on 06/07 and 06/08.
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OPEN 12332 IAFF 6503 DE1 Intro to R 1.00 Antenangeli, L ON LINE S
09:00AM - 04:00PM
05/19/25 - 08/16/25 XList
Comments: This course meets: Saturday 8/02 and Saturday 8/09 from 9 am to 4 pm each day from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Registration is restricted to graduate students only. This is a distance learning course.
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OPEN 12334 IAFF 6503 DE2 Strategic Communication 1.00 Plenzler, J ON LINE US
08:00AM - 11:00AM
06/23/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: This course includes asynchronous instruction from 07/6-07/20 with synchronous sessions being held on 07/12, 07/13, 07/19, and 07/20 from 8-11am. Registration is restricted to graduate students only. This is a distance learning course.
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OPEN 12714 IAFF 6505 DE3 Expert FP 1.50 Antenangeli, L S
09:00AM - 04:00PM
05/19/25 - 08/16/25 XList
Comments: This Course Meets: Friday, 8/01 from 5 to 9 pm, and on Saturday 8/02 and Saturday 8/09 from 9am to 4pm. This is an executive education course open only to non-degree students at ESIA. Participants must meet the eligibility requirements on the Data Analytics for Policy Professionals website:
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Last Revised : Mar 19, 2025 07:47:13 AM

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