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OPEN 11176 CSCI 1012 DE Introduction to Programming with Python 3.00 Simha, R ON LINE T
03:00PM - 05:30PM
05/19/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: The course is online asynchronous (no fixed meeting time) but features an in-person exam at the end of the term, a few days before the start of the Fall semester when most students are on-campus.
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OPEN 10987 CSCI 1111 DE Introduction to Software Development 3.00 Simha, R ON LINE 05/19/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: The course is online asynchronous (no fixed meeting time) but features an in-person exam at the end of the term, a few days before the start of the Fall semester when most students are on-campus.
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OPEN 10988 CSCI 1112 DE Algorithms and Data Structures 3.00 Simha, R ON LINE 05/19/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: The course is online asynchronous (no fixed meeting time) but features an in-person exam at the end of the term, a few days before the start of the Fall semester when most students are on-campus. Prerequisites: CSCI 1111 with a minimum grade of C; and MATH 1220 or MATH 1231
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OPEN 10213 CSCI 1311 10 Discrete Structures I 3.00 Shaban, H ON LINE TR
05:10PM - 07:40PM
05/19/25 - 06/28/25
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate students only.
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OPEN 11177 CSCI 2113 DE Software Engineering 3.00 Simha, R ON LINE 05/19/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: The course is online asynchronous (no fixed meeting time) but features an in-person exam at the end of the term, a few days before the start of the Fall semester when most students are on-campus. Prerequisites: CSCI 1112 with a minimum grade of C; and MATH 1221 or MATH 1231.
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OPEN 12477 CSCI 4541 DE Network Security 3.00 Refaei, M ON LINE MW
06:10PM - 08:40PM
05/19/25 - 07/12/25
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OPEN 12282 CSCI 4907 80 Intro. to Big Data & Analytics 3.00 Kaisler, S ON LINE M
03:00PM - 05:30PM
05/19/25 - 07/26/25
Comments: Registration is restricted to undergraduate students only. Prerequisite: CS 2113. This course satisfies a tech track requirement for the BS and BA degrees and an elective requirement for the minor.
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OPEN 11957 CSCI 6003 DE1 Introduction to Software Design and Engineering 3.00 ON LINE 05/19/25 - 08/16/25
Comments: Gateway Certificate students only.
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OPEN 11201 CSCI 6221 20 Advanced Software Paradigms 3.00 Melo, W ON LINE MW
06:10PM - 08:40PM
05/19/25 - 07/12/25
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.
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OPEN 10849 CSCI 6444 80 Introduction to Big Data and Analytics 3.00 Kaisler, S ON LINE M
03:00PM - 05:30PM
05/19/25 - 07/26/25
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.
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OPEN 12476 CSCI 6531 DE Computer Security 3.00 ON LINE TR
06:10PM - 08:40PM
05/19/25 - 07/12/25
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OPEN 12478 CSCI 6541 DE Network Security 3.00 Refaei, M ON LINE MW
06:10PM - 08:40PM
05/19/25 - 07/12/25
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Last Revised : Mar 20, 2025 09:47:14 AM

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