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OPEN 20705 RAFF 6201 DA Introduction to Global Regulatory Affairs 3.00 Trask, M; Tice, M; Demby, V ON LINE 04/25/22 - 06/18/22
Comments: This course will be offered in a 8-week format, for actual dates see the Schedule of Classes. Department permission required.

OPEN 20736 RAFF 6202 DA Regulatory Drug Biologics 3.00 Trask, M; Sosu-Sedzorme, W; Tice, M 04/25/22 - 06/18/22
Comments: This course will be offered in a 8-week format, for actual dates see the Schedule of Classes. Department permission required.

OPEN 20961 RAFF 6203 DA Regulatory Device Diagnostics 3.00 Tice, M; Trask, M; Guevrekian, M 04/25/22 - 06/18/22
Comments: This course will be offered in a 8-week format, for actual dates see the Schedule of Classes. Department permission required.

OPEN 20706 RAFF 6203 DA1 Regulatory Device Diagnostics 3.00 Trask, M; Tice, M 04/25/22 - 06/18/22
Comments: This course will be offered in a 8-week format, for actual dates see the Schedule of Classes. Department permission required.

OPEN 20822 RAFF 6204 DA Clinical Research for Regulatory Affairs 3.00 Tice, M; Gesheff, M; McGarry, R; Trask, M 04/25/22 - 06/18/22
Comments: This course will be offered in a 8-week format, for actual dates see the Schedule of Classes. Department permission required.

OPEN 21230 RAFF 6205 DA Regulatory Affairs Compliance 3.00 Tice, M; Trask, M; Chamblee, A 04/25/22 - 06/18/22
Comments: This course will be offered in a 8-week format, for actual dates see the Schedule of Classes. Department permission required.

OPEN 20941 RAFF 6275 DB Leadership in Regulatory Affairs 3.00 Scalzo, N; Tice, M; Trask, M; Bocchino, J 06/20/22 - 08/13/22
Comments: Capstone course for this program. Only students in this program in their last semester are eligible to register. This course will be offered in a 8-week format, for actual dates see the Schedule of Classes. Questions? Contact

Last Revised : Feb 11, 2025 02:52:10 AM

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