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OPEN 21874 INTM 6203 DA Nutritional Metabolism and Environmental Exposure 3.00 Trask, M; Webster, M; Rioux, J; Frame, L 04/25/22 - 06/18/22

OPEN 21875 INTM 6204 DB Metabolic Networks in Integrative Medicine 3.00 Trask, M; Rioux, J; Frame, L; Webster, M 06/20/22 - 08/13/22

OPEN 22305 INTM 6205 DA Clinical Genomics, Proteomics, and Metabolomics 3.00 Swidan, S; Bajnath, A; Trask, M; Jackson, S; Frame, L; Patel, N ON LINE 04/25/22 - 06/18/22

CLOSED 20883 INTM 6206 DB Legal and Medical Ethics in Integrative Medicine 1.00 Frame, L; Barclay, J; Trask, M 06/20/22 - 08/13/22
Comments: This course will be offered in a 8-week format for actual dates see the Schedule of Classes. Section is restricted to INTM students only.

OPEN 22216 INTM 6211 DE Practical Application of Integrative Medicine II 3.00 Trask, M; Frame, L; Heyman, A 05/16/22 - 08/20/22
Comments: For Health Sciences DE Students only. Main campus students students take section D01. Questions? Contact

OPEN 22217 INTM 6213 DE Clinical Approaches in Integrative Medicine 3.00 Frame, L; McGinley, D; Trask, M 05/16/22 - 08/20/22
Comments: Integrative Medicine students only

Last Revised : Dec 8, 2024 07:54:33 PM

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