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OPEN 22757 CPED 0940 QE1 Continuing Research - Doctoral 1.00 Sikorski, T 05/16/22 - 08/20/22
Comments: This course intended for C&I hybrid program students.

CANCELLED 21775 CPED 6176 QA Academic and Psychosocial Assessment of the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Student 3.00 05/16/22 - 08/20/22
Comments: This course is being taught at the Arlington Graduate Education Center.

CANCELLED 21163 CPED 6224 UL Diagnostic Teaching of Reading: K–6 3.00 06/20/22 - 08/13/22
Comments: This course intended for Special Education for Children with Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities students only. This course is being taught at the Graduate Education Center in Arlington.

OPEN 21884 CPED 6551 WB Second Language Instructional Methods 3.00 Bonnell, M ON LINE 05/16/22 - 08/20/22
Comments: This is a distance learning course. This course is intended for Special Education for Cultural Responsiveness and Equity in Teaching (SECRET) master's students only. This course meets: 5/16 through 6/25.

OPEN 21517 CPED 6556 QL Linguistic Applications in English as a Second Language 3.00 Spokane, A ON LINE 05/16/22 - 06/30/22
Comments: This is a distance learning course.

OPEN 23133 CPED 8100 QE Res Informal Learn Environment 3.00 Kortecamp, K 05/16/22 - 07/23/22
Comments: Registration restricted to doctoral students only. This course intended for Curriculum and Instruction EdD students in the Informal Learning RPT only.

OPEN 22758 CPED 8101 QE1 Research and Independent Study 1.00 Eakle, A 05/16/22 - 08/20/22
Comments: This course intended for C&I hybrid program students only.

OPEN 22759 CPED 8101 QE3 Research and Independent Study 3.00 Casemore, M 05/16/22 - 08/20/22
Comments: This course intended for C&I hybrid program students only.

OPEN 22760 CPED 8101 QE4 Research and Independent Study 1.00 Grooms, J 05/16/22 - 08/20/22
Comments: This course intended for C&I hybrid program students only.

OPEN 22761 CPED 8101 QE5 Research and Independent Study 1.00 Kortecamp, K 05/16/22 - 08/20/22
Comments: This course intended for C&I hybrid program students only.

OPEN 22762 CPED 8101 QE6 Research and Independent Study 1.00 Pyke, C 05/16/22 - 08/20/22
Comments: This course intended for C&I hybrid program students only.

OPEN 20770 CPED 8101 QE7 Research and Independent Study 1.00 TO 3.00 Sikorski, T 05/16/22 - 08/20/22
Comments: This course intended for C&I hybrid program students only.

OPEN 22763 CPED 8354 QE1 Doctoral Internship: CPED 3.00 Eakle, A 05/16/22 - 08/20/22
Comments: This course intended for C&I hybrid program students only.

OPEN 20778 CPED 8354 QE2 Doctoral Internship 3.00 Casemore, M 05/16/22 - 08/20/22
Comments: This course intended for C&I hybrid program students only.

OPEN 20783 CPED 8354 QE3 Doctoral Internship 3.00 Kortecamp, K 05/16/22 - 08/20/22
Comments: This course intended for C&I hybrid program students only.

OPEN 20780 CPED 8354 QE4 Doctoral Internship 3.00 Sikorski, T 05/16/22 - 08/20/22
Comments: This course intended for C&I hybrid program students only.

OPEN 21683 CPED 8998 QE1 Doctoral Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction 3.00 TO 6.00 Kortecamp, K 05/16/22 - 08/20/22
Comments: This course intended for C&I hybrid program students only.

OPEN 21680 CPED 8998 QE2 Doctoral Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction 3.00 TO 6.00 Sikorski, T 05/16/22 - 06/25/22
Comments: This course intended for C&I hybrid program students only.

Last Revised : Feb 11, 2025 06:52:07 PM

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