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OPEN 35823 INTM 6101 DA Nutrition I: Assessment, Diagnosis, and Intervention 3.00 Frame, L; Wendt, J; Trask, M; Gabel, L ON LINE 01/03/22 - 02/26/22

OPEN 35824 INTM 6102 DB Nutrition II: Life Cycle 3.00 Wendt, J; Mislevy, L; Frame, L; Trask, M ON LINE 02/28/22 - 04/23/22

CLOSED 36506 INTM 6110 DB Food Technology and Health 1.00 Capalino, D; Trask, M; Gallo Moreno, J; Frame, L; Rioux, J ON LINE 02/28/22 - 04/23/22

OPEN 36507 INTM 6111 DA Topics in Nutrition 1.00 Frame, L; Trask, M; Crowninshield, C ON LINE 01/03/22 - 02/26/22

OPEN 38285 INTM 6111 DA1 Topics in Nutrition 1.00 Rioux, J; Warren, A; Trask, M; Frame, L ON LINE 01/03/22 - 02/26/22

OPEN 36508 INTM 6120 DB Nutritional Immunology 2.00 Zakaria, L; Trask, M; Frame, L 02/28/22 - 04/23/22

OPEN 35524 INTM 6201 DA Foundations in Integrative Medicine 3.00 McGinley, D; Rioux, J; Trask, M; Frame, L ON LINE 01/03/22 - 02/26/22

OPEN 35535 INTM 6202 DB Self-Care Methods for Health Care Professionals 2.00 Trask, M; Frame, L; Dawson, D; Rioux, J; Dyer, K ON LINE 02/28/22 - 04/23/22

OPEN 35526 INTM 6203 DA Nutritional Metabolism and Environmental Exposure 3.00 Frame, L; McPhee, G; Trask, M; Rioux, J; Lazzarini, A ON LINE 01/03/22 - 02/26/22

OPEN 35529 INTM 6204 DB Metabolic Networks in Integrative Medicine 3.00 Frame, L; Trask, M; Webster, M; Lee, D ON LINE 02/28/22 - 04/23/22

OPEN 36505 INTM 6207 DA Business of Integrative Medicine and Health Care 3.00 Trask, M; Rioux, J; McConnell, A; Frame, L ON LINE 01/03/22 - 02/26/22

Last Revised : Oct 4, 2024 02:01:14 PM

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