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OPEN 34146 EHS 2160 DA Disaster Response Planning and Management 3.00 Garrett, A; Ross, J; Trask, M 01/03/22 - 02/26/22
Comments: This course will be taught online. This is an 8-week course. Restricted to SMHS Students Only

OPEN 34147 EHS 2161 DA Principles Hazardous Materials 3.00 McGovern, R; Garrett, A; Trask, M 01/03/22 - 02/26/22
Comments: This course will be taught online. This is an 8-week course. Restricted to SMHS Students Only

OPEN 34148 EHS 3103 DB Technology in Critical Incident Response 3.00 Garrett, A; Trask, M; Yadzinski, G 02/28/22 - 04/23/22
Comments: This course will be taught online. This is an 8-week course. Restricted to SMHS Students Only

OPEN 34149 EHS 3105 DB Integrated Response to High Impact Violent Incidents 3.00 Trask, M; Marino, M; Garrett, A; Roberts, K 02/28/22 - 04/23/22
Comments: This course will be taught online. This is an 8-week course. Restricted to SMHS Students Only

CLOSED 38874 EHS 3107 DA Financial Management for the Disaster Cycle 3.00 Trask, M; Garrett, A; Lessard, D ON LINE 01/03/22 - 02/26/22

OPEN 32700 EHS 4101 DE Humanitarian Relief Operations 3.00 Williams, N; Trask, M; Garrett, A ON LINE 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: This course will be taught online. Restricted to SMHS Students Only

OPEN 34749 EHS 4103 DA Advanced Topics in Leadership 3.00 Garrett, A; Broome, R; Trask, M 01/03/22 - 02/26/22
Comments: This course will be taught online. This is an 8-week course. Restricted to SMHS Students Only

OPEN 38871 EHS 4197 OGA Clinical Internship 1.00 Garrett, A; Trask, M ON LINE 01/03/22 - 02/26/22

CLOSED 38872 EHS 4197 OGB Clinical Internship 1.00 Trask, M; Garrett, A ON LINE 02/28/22 - 04/23/22

CLOSED 38873 EHS 4199 DE Independent Study 3.00 Trask, M; Garrett, A ON LINE 01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 38881 EHS 4199 SD Independent Study 1.00 Trask, M; Davidson, L; Davey, K; Bushardt, R ON LINE 01/10/22 - 04/25/22

Last Revised : Oct 8, 2024 06:01:13 PM

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