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OPEN 68051 PUBH 6000 2U MPH Applied Practice Experience 0.00 Beckerman, J 09/27/21 - 12/12/21
Comments: Restricted to MPH@GW students only.

OPEN 68483 PUBH 6000 2U1 Practicum: MPH@GW 0.00 Burke, T 09/27/21 - 12/12/21
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Registration restricted to MPH@GW students only.

OPEN 63605 PUBH 6002 2U Biostatistical Applications for Public Health 3.00 Hoffman, H 09/27/21 - 12/12/21 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course taught online. Also register for a section of PUBH 6002.2U1 - U16

OPEN 63607 PUBH 6003 2U Principles and Practices of Epidemiology 3.00 Ulfers, M 09/27/21 - 12/12/21 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course taught online. Also register for a section of PUBH 6003 2U1 - U14.

OPEN 63608 PUBH 6007 2U Social and Behavioral Approaches to Public Health 2.00 Heminger, C 09/27/21 - 12/12/21 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course taught online. Also register for a section of PUBH 6007 2U1 - U20.

OPEN 65267 PUBH 6009 2U Fundamentals of Public Health Program Evaluation 2.00 Mookherji, S 09/27/21 - 12/12/21 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course taught online. Also register for a section of PubH 6009.2U1-U17. Students are highly recommended to take PubH 6002 prior taking this course. Prereq: PubH 6007.

OPEN 68307 PUBH 6010 2U1 Independent Study 1.00 TO 6.00 09/27/21 - 12/12/21

OPEN 65279 PUBH 6011 2U Environmental and Biological Foundations of Public Health 3.00 LaPuma, P 09/27/21 - 12/12/21 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course taught online. Also register for a section of PUBH 6011 2U1 - U23. Students who have taken both 6001 and 6004 should not take this course.

OPEN 65292 PUBH 6012 2U Fundamentals of Health Policy 2.00 Shin, P 09/27/21 - 12/12/21 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course taught online. Also register for a section of PUBH 6012 2U1 - U24.

OPEN 62861 PUBH 6014 2U1 Practicum:MPH@GW 2.00 Burke, T; Nagaraj, N 09/27/21 - 12/12/21
Comments: This is a distance education course. Registration restricted to MPH@GW students only.

OPEN 65305 PUBH 6021 2U Essentials of Public Health Practice and Leadership I 1.00 Hinzey, A 09/27/21 - 12/12/21 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course taught online. Also register for a section of PUBH 6021 2U1 - 2U6.

OPEN 66204 PUBH 6022 2U Essentials of Public Health Practice and Leadership II 1.00 Hinzey, A 09/27/21 - 12/12/21 Linked
Comments: This is a distance education course taught online. Also register for a section of PubH 6022.2U1-U14. Prereq: PUBH 6021.

OPEN 66203 PUBH 6023 2U1 IPE Discussion 0.00 Wiss, A M
09:30AM - 12:00PM
10/11/21 - 10/11/21

OPEN 67992 PUBH 6023 2U2 Interprofessional Education Experience 0.00 Wiss, A M
05:00PM - 07:30PM
10/25/21 - 10/25/21

OPEN 67993 PUBH 6023 2U3 Interprofessional Education Experience 0.00 Wiss, A T
08:30AM - 12:30PM
11/02/21 - 11/02/21

OPEN 67994 PUBH 6023 2U4 Interprofessional Education Experience 0.00 Wiss, A M
05:00PM - 07:30PM
11/15/21 - 11/15/21

OPEN 67995 PUBH 6023 2U5 Interprofessional Education Experience 0.00 Hancock, Y; Wiss, A 08/30/21 - 12/11/21

OPEN 63609 PUBH 6052 2U Practical Data Management and Analysis for Public Health 2.00 Roche, K 09/27/21 - 12/12/21 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course taught online. Also register for a section of Pubh 6052 2U1 - U14. Prereq: PUBH 6002 and 6003.

OPEN 64634 PUBH 6060 2U MPH@GW Culminating Experience I 1.00 Heminger, C 09/27/21 - 12/12/21 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course taught online. Also register for Pubh 6060 2U1. Prereq/Coreq: PUBH 6014/6022

OPEN 64635 PUBH 6061 2U MPH@GW Culminating Experience II 1.00 Heminger, C 09/27/21 - 12/12/21 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course taught online. Prereq: PUBH 6060

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Last Revised : Sep 14, 2024 06:01:09 PM

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