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OPEN 17750 PSHS 3160 DE Crisis and Emergency Planning 4.00 Black, A ON LINE 01/04/21 - 04/24/21
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Registration is restricted to BPS in Homeland Security and Police and Security Studies majors only.

OPEN 17749 PSHS 3161 DE Intelligence Data Analysis 4.00 Flores, L ON LINE 01/04/21 - 02/27/21
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Registration is restricted to BPS in Homeland Security and Police and Security Studies majors only.

OPEN 18060 PSHS 3162 DE Crime Scene Investigation 4.00 Cedar, B ON LINE 03/01/21 - 04/24/21
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Registration is restricted to BPS in Homeland Security and Police and Security Studies majors only.

OPEN 14099 PSHS 6240 DE Political Violence and Terrorism 3.00 Sharma, R ON LINE 01/04/21 - 02/27/21
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Registration restricted to Security & Safety Leadership and Homeland Security majors only. This course intended for online students only.

OPEN 14100 PSHS 6241 DE Global Threats & Intl Security 3.00 Picarelli, J ON LINE 03/01/21 - 04/24/21
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Registration restricted to Security & Safety Leadership and Homeland Security majors only. This course intended for online students only.

OPEN 14101 PSHS 6242 DE Security and Civil Liberties 3.00 Lammert, E ON LINE 01/04/21 - 04/24/21
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Registration restricted to Security & Safety Leadership and Homeland Security majors only. This course intended for online students only.

OPEN 15300 PSHS 6242 PS Security and Civil Liberties 3.00 Lammert, E REMOTE INSTR T
06:00PM - 09:00PM
01/04/21 - 02/27/21
Comments: Registration restricted to Security & Safety Leadership and Homeland Security majors only. This course is being taught at the Arlington Education Center.

OPEN 14102 PSHS 6243 DE Intelligence and Strategic Analysis 3.00 Velez de Berliner, M ON LINE 01/04/21 - 02/27/21
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Registration restricted to Security & Safety Leadership and Homeland Security majors only. This course intended for online students only.

OPEN 14103 PSHS 6243 PS Intelligence and Strategic Analysis 3.00 Perren, J REMOTE INSTR S
09:00AM - 04:00PM
01/04/21 - 04/24/21
Comments: Registration restricted to Security & Safety Leadership and Homeland Security majors only. This course is being taught at the Arlington Education Center. This course meets: 1/16, 2/13, 3/13, and 4/10.

OPEN 14104 PSHS 6244 DE Information Systems Protection 3.00 Olagbemiro, A ON LINE 03/01/21 - 04/24/21
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Registration restricted to Security & Safety Leadership and Homeland Security majors only. This course intended for online students only.

OPEN 14105 PSHS 6244 PS Information Systems Protection 3.00 Lammert, E REMOTE INSTR T
06:00PM - 09:00PM
03/01/21 - 04/24/21
Comments: Registration restricted to Security & Safety Leadership and Homeland Security majors only. This course is being taught at the Arlington Education Center.

CLOSED 14106 PSHS 6253 DE Managing the Politics of Leadership 3.00 Martin, E ON LINE 01/04/21 - 02/27/21
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Registration restricted to Security & Safety Leadership and Homeland Security majors only. This course intended for online students only.

OPEN 14107 PSHS 6254 DE Strategic Change Management 3.00 Blochberger, S ON LINE 03/01/21 - 04/24/21
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Registration restricted to Security & Safety Leadership and Homeland Security majors only. This course intended for online students only.

OPEN 14108 PSHS 6260 DE Methods of Analysis in Security 3.00 Anderson, A ON LINE 01/04/21 - 04/24/21
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Registration restricted to Security & Safety Leadershi and Homeland Security majors only. This course intended for online students only.

OPEN 14109 PSHS 6270 DE Capstone Project 3.00 Browne, J ON LINE 01/04/21 - 04/24/21
Comments: This is a distance learning course. Registration restricted to Security & Safety Leadership and Homeland Security majors only. This course intended for online students only.

Last Revised : Feb 6, 2025 01:52:07 PM

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