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CLOSED 19131 MBAD 6205 G Business Essentials for Dynamic Markets 1.50 El Tarabishy, A ON LINE 01/11/21 - 03/08/21 XList
Comments: This course intended for MBA-STT students only.  Also register for sync session MBAD 6205-G30.

OPEN 18078 MBAD 6205 ON Business Essentials for Dynamic Markets 1.50 El Tarabishy, A ON LINE 01/11/21 - 03/08/21 Linked
Comments: This course intended for OMBA, HCMBA, PMBA students starting the new curriculum. Also register for one discussion session: MBAD 6205.N30, .N31, or .N33

OPEN 18090 MBAD 6205 ON1 Business Essentials for Dynamic Markets 1.50 El Tarabishy, A ON LINE 01/11/21 - 03/08/21 Linked
Comments: This course intended for OMBA, HCMBA, PMBA students starting the new curriculum. Also register for one discussion session: MBAD 6205.N34, .N36, or .N37

CLOSED 18797 MBAD 6205 ON2 Business Essentials for Dynamic Markets 1.50 El Tarabishy, A ON LINE 01/11/21 - 03/08/21 XList Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course. This course is restricted to STT students only. Also register for discussion section: MBAD 6205.N38

WAITLIST 19130 MBAD 6211 G Financial Accounting 3.00 Kulp, S REMOTE INSTR R
05:00PM - 06:00PM
01/11/21 - 04/26/21 XList
Comments: This course intended for MBA-STT students only.

OPEN 13372 MBAD 6211 ON Financial Accounting 3.00 Kulp, S ON LINE 01/11/21 - 04/26/21 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course. This course intended for OMBA, HCMBA, PMBA, MiM, MSIB, MSGC, MIBS, and related certificate students only. Also register for one discussion section: MBAD 6211.N30-.N32

CLOSED 14161 MBAD 6211 ON1 Financial Accounting 3.00 Kulp, S ON LINE 01/11/21 - 04/26/21 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course. This course intended for OMBA, HCMBA, MiM, MSIB, MSGC, and and certificate students only.Also register for one discussion section: MBAD 6211.N33-N35.

OPEN 15408 MBAD 6213 ON Accounting for Internal Decision Making 1.50 Kulp, S ON LINE 01/11/21 - 03/08/21 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course. This course intended for OMBA, HCMBA and MSGC students only. Also register for one discussion section: MBAD 6211.N30-N32

OPEN 13774 MBAD 6224 ON Decision Making and Data Analysis 3.00 Tarimcilar, M ON LINE 01/11/21 - 04/26/21 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course. This course intended for PMBA, OMBA, HCMBA, MSIB,MiM, MIBS, and related certificate students only. Also register for one discussion section: MBAD 6224.N30-N32

OPEN 18876 MBAD 6224 ON1 Decision Making and Data Analysis 3.00 Tarimcilar, M ON LINE 01/11/21 - 04/26/21 Linked
Comments: This course restricted to OMBA, HCMBA, PMBA, MiM, MSIB, MSPM, and related certificate students only. Also register for one discussion section: MBAD 6224.N32 or .N33

OPEN 13779 MBAD 6235 ON Finance 3.00 Sonzogni, D ON LINE 01/11/21 - 04/26/21 Linked
Comments: This course intended for OMBA, HCMBA, PMBA, PCMBA, MiM, MSIB MACCY, and related certificate students only. Also register for one discussion section: MBAD 6235.N30-.N32

OPEN 16118 MBAD 6235 ON1 Finance 3.00 Sonzogni, D ON LINE 01/11/21 - 04/26/21 Linked
Comments: This course intended for OMBA, HCMBA, PMBA, PCMBA, MiM, MSIB MACCY, and related certificate students only. Also register for one discussion section: MBAD 6235.N33-.N35

OPEN 13377 MBAD 6242 ON Microeconomics for the World Economy 1.50 Yang, J ON LINE 01/11/21 - 03/08/21 Linked
Comments: This course intended for OMBA, HCMBA, PMBA, and PCMBA students only. This course meets during the first half of the semester: 1/11/2021-3/8/2021. Also register for discussion section: MBAD 6242.N30 or .N32.

WAITLIST 19129 MBAD 6263 G Organizations and Human Capital 3.00 Bailey, J ON LINE
05:30PM - 08:30PM
09:00AM - 05:00PM
01/04/21 - 01/09/21 XList
Comments: This course intended for MBA-STT students only.

CLOSED 13809 MBAD 6263 ON Organizations and Human Capital 3.00 Bailey, J ON LINE 01/11/21 - 04/26/21 Linked
Comments: This is a distance learning course. This course intended for OMBA, HCMBA, PMBA, MHRM, MiM, MTA, and related certificate students only. Also register for discussion section: MBAD 6263.N30.

WAITLIST 18872 MBAD 6263 OND Organizations and Human Capital 3.00 Bailey, J ON LINE
05:30PM - 08:30PM
09:00AM - 05:00PM
01/04/21 - 01/09/21 XList
Comments: This is a distance learning course. This course intended for MBA-STT students only.

OPEN 14641 MBAD 6288 ON Strategic Management 3.00 Halliday, D ON LINE 01/11/21 - 04/26/21 Linked
Comments: This course intended for This course intended for PMBA, OMBA, HCMBA, PCMBA, and MiM students only.. Also register for on discussion section: MBAD 6288.N30 -.N32

CLOSED 13379 MBAD 6289 ON Business Ethics and Public Policy 3.00 de los Reyes, G ON LINE 01/11/21 - 04/26/21 Linked
Comments: This is a distance leanring course. This course intended for OMBA, HCMBA, PMBA, PMBA Cohort, MiM and related certificate students only. Also register for one discussion section: MBAD 6289.N30-.N32

CLOSED 16157 MBAD 6289 ON1 Business Ethics and Public Policy 3.00 de los Reyes, G ON LINE 01/11/21 - 04/26/21 Linked
Comments: This is a distance leanring course. This course intended for OMBA, HCMBA, PMBA, PMBA Cohort, MiM, and related certificate students only. Also register for one discussion section: MBAD 6289.N33-.N35.

Last Revised : Feb 15, 2025 10:52:07 AM

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