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OPEN 16711 CML 2140 DA Management of Human Resources in Health Sciences Organizations 3.00 Pontiff, M; Kadrie, M; Trask, M ON LINE 01/04/21 - 02/27/21
Comments: This course will be taught online. This is an 8-week course. Restricted to SMHS Students Only

OPEN 17335 CML 4144 DB Seminar in Health Science Leadership 3.00 Kadrie, M; Metcalf, K; Trask, M ON LINE 03/01/21 - 04/24/21
Comments: This course will be taught online. This is an 8-week course. Restricted to SMHS Students Only

OPEN 16826 CML 6021 CHB Correctional Health Care Administration for Special Populations 3.00 Trask, M; Kendig II, N ON LINE 03/01/21 - 04/24/21

OPEN 16824 CML 6023 CHA Correctional Health Care Fiscal Management 3.00 Trask, M; Kendig II, N ON LINE 01/04/21 - 02/27/21

OPEN 15519 CML 6202 DA Human Resource Development 3.00 Waddill, D; Trask, M; Kadrie, M 01/04/21 - 02/27/21
Comments: This course will be taught online. This is an 8-week course. Restricted to SMHS Students Only

OPEN 15112 CML 6275 DB Leadership and Change in Clinical Management 3.00 Trask, M; Kadrie, M; Bocchino, J 03/01/21 - 04/24/21
Comments: For Health Sciences DE students only

CLOSED 18214 CML 6275 MBA Leadership and Change in Clinical Management 3.00 Trask, M; Bocchino, J ON LINE 03/01/21 - 04/24/21
Comments: For Health Sciences DE students only

Last Revised : Feb 11, 2025 02:52:10 AM

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