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OPEN 75915 IAFF 2040 DE Global Investigations 1.00 Andriano, B ON LINE 01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration is restriced to students enrolled in the Global Bachelor's program. Department approval required to register.

OPEN 78977 IAFF 2040 DE2 Global Investigations 1.00 Donaghue, J ON LINE 01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration is restricted to students enrolled in the Global Bachelor's program. Department approval required to register.

OPEN 78989 IAFF 2040 DE3 Global Investigations 1.00 Andriano, B ON LINE 01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration is restricted to students enrolled in the Global Bachelor's program. Department approval required to register.

OPEN 79164 IAFF 3187 60D HistoricalMemory&HumanRtsChile 3.00 01/13/20 - 04/27/20

OPEN 79167 IAFF 3187 61D HistoricalMemory&HumanRtsChile 3.00 01/13/20 - 04/27/20

CLOSED 79168 IAFF 3195 62D Internship-Latin America 0.00 TO 3.00 01/13/20 - 04/27/20

CANCELLED 78909 IAFF 6108 OE International Development Policy 3.00 01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. This is a distance learning course. This course includes a weekly synchronous session; see department for details.

OPEN 78079 IAFF 6118 O10 Capacity Building in Thailand 3.00 Cromwell, A 1776 G C-118 T
05:10PM - 07:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. Instructor approval is required to register for this course; please contact Prof. Alex Cromwell at This is a short-term abroad course. Overseas course component in Thailand over Spring Break from 03/13/2020 – 03/22/2020.

CANCELLED 78574 IAFF 6118 OE1 InternationalDevelopmentPolicy 3.00 01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. This is a distance learning course. This course includes a weekly synchronous session; see department for details.

OPEN 71758 IAFF 6122 O10 Development Policy and Practice 3.00 Roberts, S 1776 G C-115 R
05:10PM - 07:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. This course intended for first year IDS students only. This course is being taught at 1776G Street.

WAITLIST 74504 IAFF 6138 O18 Climate Change & Sust Dev 3.00 Blaine, T MON 351 M
05:10PM - 07:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. This course is being taught at 1776G Street.

WAITLIST 77397 IAFF 6138 OE1 Bottom-Up Development 3.00 Maguire, R; Ledermann, S ON LINE R
05:30PM - 06:30PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: This is a distance learning course. This course includes a weekly synchronous session; see department for details.

OPEN 72057 IAFF 6160 O10 Defense Policy and Program Analysis 3.00 Powers, B 1776 G C-115 M
05:10PM - 07:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. This course is being taught at 1776G Street.

WAITLIST 72058 IAFF 6165 O11 Fundamentals of Intelligence 3.00 Fidas, G 1776 G C-117 W
07:10PM - 09:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. This course is being taught at 1776G Street.

WAITLIST 78061 IAFF 6173 OE Security and Development 3.00 Foley, J ON LINE W
08:00PM - 09:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: This is a distance learning course. This course includes a weekly synchronous session; see department for details. Registration restricted to graduate students only.

WAITLIST 76130 IAFF 6186 O22 Emerging Threats 3.00 Baxter, P 1776 G C-110 T
07:10PM - 09:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. This course is being taught at 1776G Street.

OPEN 76136 IAFF 6186 OE Terrorism Today 3.00 Daly, S ON LINE R
08:00PM - 09:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Restricted to graduate students only. This is a distance learning course. This course includes a weekly synchronous session; see department for details.

OPEN 76460 IAFF 6198 O80 Financial Accounting 3.00 Schwartz, L 1776 G C-119 T
06:10PM - 08:40PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20 XList
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. This course is being taught at 1776 G Street.

OPEN 79003 IAFF 6212 OE Strategy and Leadership 3.00 Sorurbakhsh, L ON LINE T
08:00PM - 09:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. This is a distance learning course. This course includes a weekly synchronous session; see department for details.

OPEN 76137 IAFF 6222 OE1 International SecurityPolitics 3.00 Gavrilis, J ON LINE M
08:00PM - 09:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only. This is a distance learning course. This course includes a weekly synchronous session; see department for details.

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Last Revised : Oct 14, 2024 01:01:19 PM

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