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OPEN 70120 ANTH 1001 10 Biological Anthropology 4.00 Barr, W LISH 130 TWRF
10:00AM - 12:00PM
05/20/24 - 06/29/24
Comments: In person lab time is available to students with coordination from the instructor.
Anth Course Fee  $40.00

CLOSED 70176 ANTH 1001 20 Biological Anthropology 4.00 Bradley, B LISH 130 MTWR
10:00AM - 12:00PM
07/01/24 - 08/10/24
Comments: In person lab time is available to students with coordination from the instructor.
Anth Course Fee  $40.00

OPEN 72585 ANTH 1002 20 Sociocultural Anthropology 3.00 Grinker, R 1957 E 308 TR
09:30AM - 11:45AM
07/01/24 - 08/10/24

CANCELLED 72586 ANTH 3491 10 Survey of Forensic Anthropolog 3.00 05/20/24 - 06/29/24

CANCELLED 71384 ANTH 3501 10 Anthropology of Development 3.00 05/20/24 - 06/29/24

CANCELLED 72926 ANTH 3503 20 Psychological Anthropology 3.00 07/01/24 - 08/10/24

CANCELLED 72885 ANTH 3504 10 Illness, Healing, and Culture 3.00 05/20/24 - 06/29/24

CANCELLED 72587 ANTH 3891 80 MaritimeArch&HeritofSlaveTrade 3.00 05/20/24 - 06/29/24

CANCELLED 72588 ANTH 3991 81 Special Topics 3.00 05/20/24 - 06/29/24

OPEN 72176 ANTH 3995 70 Undergraduate Research ARR Murray, C 05/20/24 - 08/17/24
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 70101 ANTH 6230 70 Internship in Museum Anthropology 1.00 TO 6.00 Blomster, J 05/20/24 - 08/17/24
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 70074 ANTH 6330 70 Internship in Development Anthropology 3.00 Lubkemann, S 05/20/24 - 08/17/24
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 70118 ANTH 6995 70 Research ARR Lubkemann, S 05/20/24 - 08/17/24
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 70038 ANTH 6999 70 Thesis Research 3.00 Lubkemann, S 05/20/24 - 08/17/24
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 70532 ANTH 8998 70 Advanced Reading and Research ARR Blomster, J 05/20/24 - 08/17/24
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

Last Revised : Sep 19, 2024 05:01:28 AM

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