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OPEN 46479 GTCH 1001 10 GWTeach Step 1: Inquiry Approaches to Teaching 1.00 Choi, S TOMP 208 W
09:35AM - 10:50AM
08/24/23 - 12/11/23 XList
Comments: This section intended for students participating in the Math Matters tutoring program. Contact instructor for registration information.

OPEN 46480 GTCH 1002 10 GWTeach Step 2: Inquiry-based Lesson Design 2.00 Choi, S TOMP 208 W
09:35AM - 10:50AM
08/24/23 - 12/11/23 XList
Comments: This section intended for students participating in the Math Matters tutoring program. Contact instructor for registration information.

WAITLIST 45305 GTCH 2003 10 Step 1 and 2 Hybrid: Inquiry Approaches to Teaching and Lesson Design 3.00 Hollibaugh Baker, M TOMP 303 MW
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/24/23 - 12/11/23
Comments: This course satisfies University GenEd requirements of CCAS: Oral Communication, and CES: Community Engaged Scholarship.

OPEN 47340 GTCH 2003 12 Step 1 and 2 Hybrid: Inquiry Approaches to Teaching and Lesson Design 3.00 Keo, K TOMP 303 TR
04:45PM - 06:00PM
08/24/23 - 12/11/23
Comments: This course satisfies University GenEd requirements of CCAS: Oral Communication, and CES: Community Engaged Scholarship.

OPEN 42763 GTCH 3101 10 Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science 3.00 Grooms, J TOMP 303 MW
03:45PM - 05:00PM
08/24/23 - 12/11/23
Comments: This course satisfies University GenEd requirement of CCAS: Oral Communication.

OPEN 43144 GTCH 3103 10 Project-Based Learning 3.00 Choi, S TOMP 303 MW
02:20PM - 03:35PM
08/24/23 - 12/11/23
Comments: This course satisfies University GenEd requirements of Critical Analysis in Humanities, CCAS: Local/Civic Engagement, and CES: Community Engaged Scholarship.

OPEN 44540 GTCH 3202 10 Research Methods in Mathematics and Science 3.00 Grooms, J SEH 7040 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/24/23 - 12/11/23
Comments: This course satisfies the University Gen Ed requirement of Scientific Reasoning with Lab.

Last Revised : Feb 27, 2025 08:52:08 PM

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