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OPEN 60988 CCAS 0920 10 Continuing Research - Master's 1.00 Siegel, A; Davidson, N 01/17/23 - 05/01/23

OPEN 60989 CCAS 0940 10 Continuing Research - Doctoral 1.00 Siegel, A; Davidson, N 01/17/23 - 05/01/23

OPEN 68864 CCAS 1001 10 First-Year Experience 1.00 Pintado, W 1776 G 150 F
09:35AM - 10:25AM
01/17/23 - 05/01/23
Comments: This course is for CCAS first-year students only.

OPEN 68865 CCAS 1001 11 First-Year Experience 1.00 Rawls, C GELM 402 F
11:10AM - 12:00PM
01/17/23 - 05/01/23
Comments: This course is for CCAS first-year students only.

OPEN 68866 CCAS 1001 12 First-Year Experience 1.00 Kuppermann, L ROME 351 F
12:45PM - 01:35PM
01/17/23 - 05/01/23
Comments: This course is for CCAS first-year students only.

OPEN 68867 CCAS 1001 13 First-Year Experience 1.00 Gessesse, J TOMP 107 M
05:10PM - 06:00PM
01/17/23 - 05/01/23
Comments: This course is for CCAS first-year students only.

OPEN 68868 CCAS 1001 14 First-Year Experience 1.00 Philips, L BELL 107 T
09:35AM - 10:25AM
01/17/23 - 05/01/23
Comments: This course is for CCAS first-year students only.

OPEN 68869 CCAS 1001 15 First-Year Experience 1.00 Johnson, K 1957 E 311 W
09:35AM - 10:25AM
01/17/23 - 05/01/23
Comments: This course is for CCAS first-year students only.

OPEN 62057 CCAS 1005 10 GW Early College Program Advising 0.00 Philips, L 1957 E 313 F
11:10AM - 12:00PM
01/17/23 - 05/01/23

OPEN 67439 CCAS 1005 11 GW Early College Program Advising 0.00 Philips, L 1957 E 313 F
12:10PM - 01:00PM
01/17/23 - 05/01/23
Comments: Designated for GWECP student cohorts.

OPEN 62937 CCAS 2154 10 Elective Internship 0.00 TO 3.00 Riedner, R 01/17/23 - 05/01/23
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

OPEN 64550 CCAS 2190 10 2ndLanguageAcquisition&Pedagog 1.00 Gonglewski, M GOV 325 M
08:00AM - 09:30AM
01/17/23 - 05/01/23
Comments: This course is for Language Learning Assistants only. Instructor approval required to register.

OPEN 67647 CCAS 2190 11 Cultural Perspectives of D.C. 3.00 Dolgova, N PHIL 209 S
10:00AM - 04:00PM
01/17/23 - 05/01/23
Comments: This course meets March 4, March 25, April 1, April 8, April15, April 22, and April 29.

CLOSED 61902 CCAS 3001 10 Undergraduate Research 0.00 TO 3.00 Riedner, R 01/17/23 - 05/01/23
Comments: Instructor approval required to register.

OPEN 61386 CCAS 4191 10 SIM Capstone 3.00 Riedner, R 01/17/23 - 05/01/23

OPEN 62724 CCAS 6154 10 Elective Internship 3.00 Heap, C 01/17/23 - 05/01/23
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

Last Revised : Sep 11, 2024 12:01:18 AM

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