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OPEN 71172 MATH 1007 10 Mathematics and Politics 3.00 Long, K DUQUES 151 TR
04:45PM - 06:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 71289 MATH 1007 11 Mathematics and Politics 3.00 Robinson, E MPA 309 MW
12:45PM - 02:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 73270 MATH 1007 12 Mathematics and Politics 3.00 Pohrivchak, M FNGR 108 TR
03:45PM - 05:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

WAITLIST 73697 MATH 1007 13 Mathematics and Politics 3.00 Long, K MPA 310 MW
02:20PM - 03:35PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 75769 MATH 1007 14 Mathematics and Politics 3.00 Foroozan, F 1957 E 113 TR
02:20PM - 03:35PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 70191 MATH 1009 10 Mathematical Ideas I 3.00 Dunn, E MPA 310 MW
09:35AM - 10:50AM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 70192 MATH 1009 11 Mathematical Ideas I 3.00 Przytycki, J MPA 310 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22

OPEN 70198 MATH 1051 10 Finite Mathematics for the Social and Management Sciences 3.00 Moses, M FNGR 108 MW
09:35AM - 10:50AM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22 Linked
Comments: To be able to register for MATH 1051 must receive a minimum score of 61 on the ALEKS math placement exam. Those students who do not achieve the minimum score even after remediation should contact their academic advisor for options. The exam can be accessed at: For additional information on the placement exam please visit: Also register for one recitation sections: Math 1051-30, 31, 32 and 40.

OPEN 70199 MATH 1051 11 Finite Mathematics for the Social and Management Sciences 3.00 Moses, M MPA 309 MW
02:20PM - 03:35PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22 Linked
Comments: To be able to register for MATH 1051 must receive a minimum score of 61 on the ALEKS math placement exam. Those students who do not achieve the minimum score even after remediation should contact their academic advisor for options. The exam can be accessed at: For additional information on the placement exam please visit Also register for one recitation section: MATH 1051.33-.35

OPEN 75768 MATH 1051 12 Finite Mathematics for the Social and Management Sciences 3.00 Gupta, M PHIL B156 TR
09:35AM - 10:50AM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22 Linked
Comments: To be able to register for MATH 1051 must receive a minimum score of 61 on the ALEKS math placement exam. Those students who do not achieve the minimum score even after remediation should contact their academic advisor for options. The exam can be accessed at: For additional information on the placement exam please visit Also register for one recitation sections: Math 1051-36, 37, 39 and 38

CLOSED 75767 MATH 1220 10 Calculus with Precalculus I 3.00 Foroozan, F MPA 310 TR
04:45PM - 06:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22 Linked
Comments: To be able to register for MATH 1220 must receive a minimum score of 61 on the ALEKS math placement exam. Those students who do not achieve the minimum score even after remediation should contact their academic advisor for options. The exam can be accessed at: For additional information on the placement exam please visit Also register for one recitation section: MATH 1220.30-.32

OPEN 73425 MATH 1220 11 Calculus with Precalculus I 3.00 Roosevelt, S PHIL B156 MW
02:20PM - 03:35PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22 Linked
Comments: To be able to register for MATH 1220 must receive a minimum score of 61 on the ALEKS math placement exam. Those students who do not achieve the minimum score even after remediation should contact their academic advisor for options. The exam can be accessed at: For additional information on the placement exam please visit Also register for one recitation section: MATH 1220.33-.35

OPEN 73235 MATH 1220 12 Calculus with Precalculus I 3.00 Roosevelt, S GELM B04 MW
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22 Linked
Comments: To be able to register for MATH 1220 must receive a minimum score of 61 on the ALEKS math placement exam. Those students who do not achieve the minimum score even after remediation should contact their academic advisor for options. The exam can be accessed at: For additional information on the placement exam please visit Also register for one recitation section: MATH 1220.36-.38

OPEN 70193 MATH 1231 10 Single-Variable Calculus I 3.00 Liu, Y 1957 E B17 TR
03:45PM - 05:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22 Linked
Comments: To be able to register for MATH 1231 must receive a minimum score of 76 on the ALEKS math placement exam. Those students who do not achieve the minimum score even after remediation should contact their academic advisor for options. The exam can be accessed at: For additional information on the placement exam please visit: Also register for one recitation section: MATH 1231.30-.32

OPEN 70194 MATH 1231 11 Single-Variable Calculus I 3.00 Junghenn, H PHIL B152 TR
08:00AM - 09:15AM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22 Linked
Comments: To be able to register for MATH 1231 must receive a minimum score of 76 on the ALEKS math placement exam. Those students who do not achieve the minimum score even after remediation should contact their academic advisor for options. The exam can be accessed at: For additional information on the placement exam please visit: Also register for one recitation section: MATH 1231.33-.35

OPEN 70195 MATH 1231 12 Single-Variable Calculus I 3.00 Bonin, J PHIL B152 MW
03:45PM - 05:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22 Linked
Comments: To be able to register for MATH 1231 must receive a minimum score of 76 on the ALEKS math placement exam. Those students who do not achieve the minimum score even after remediation should contact their academic advisor for options. The exam can be accessed at: For additional information on the placement exam please visit: Also register for one recitation section: MATH 1231.36-.38

OPEN 71290 MATH 1231 13 Single-Variable Calculus I 3.00 Daigle, G COR 101A TR
04:45PM - 06:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22 Linked
Comments: To be able to register for MATH 1231 must receive a minimum score of 76 on the ALEKS math placement exam. Those students who do not achieve the minimum score even after remediation should contact their academic advisor for options. The exam can be accessed at: For additional information on the placement exam please visit: Also register for one recitation section: MATH 1231.39-.41

OPEN 71741 MATH 1231 14 Single-Variable Calculus I 3.00 Long, K PHIL B152 MW
09:35AM - 10:50AM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22 Linked
Comments: To be able to register for MATH 1231 must receive a minimum score of 76 on the ALEKS math placement exam. Those students who do not achieve the minimum score even after remediation should contact their academic advisor for options. The exam can be accessed at: For additional information on the placement exam please visit: Also register for one recitation section: MATH 1231.42-.44

OPEN 72358 MATH 1231 15 Single-Variable Calculus I 3.00 Won, R DUQUES 151 MW
02:20PM - 03:35PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22 Linked
Comments: To be able to register for MATH 1231 must receive a minimum score of 76 on the ALEKS math placement exam. Those students who do not achieve the minimum score even after remediation should contact their academic advisor for options. The exam can be accessed at: For additional information on the placement exam please visit: Also register for one recitation section: MATH 1231.45-.47

OPEN 75763 MATH 1231 16 Single-Variable Calculus I 3.00 Daigle, G PHIL B156 MW
04:45PM - 06:00PM
08/29/22 - 12/12/22 Linked
Comments: To be able to register for MATH 1231 must receive a minimum score of 76 on the ALEKS math placement exam. Those students who do not achieve the minimum score even after remediation should contact their academic advisor for options. The exam can be accessed at: For additional information on the placement exam please visit: Also register for one recitation section: MATH 1231.48-.50

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Last Revised : Feb 15, 2025 02:52:06 PM

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