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CANCELLED 21004 MATH 1007 10 Mathematics and Politics 3.00 05/16/22 - 06/25/22

CANCELLED 22049 MATH 1007 20 Mathematics and Politics 3.00 06/27/22 - 08/06/22

OPEN 20022 MATH 1051 10 Finite Mathematics for the Social and Management Sciences 3.00 Moses, M PHIL 111 MTWR
04:00PM - 05:30PM
05/16/22 - 06/25/22
Comments: To be able to register for MATH 1051 must receive a minimum score of 61 on the ALEKS math placement exam. Those who do not achieve the minimum score even after remediation should contact their academic advisor for their options. The exam can be accessed at: . For additional information on the placement exam please visit:

CANCELLED 21756 MATH 1220 10 Calculus with Precalculus I 3.00 05/16/22 - 06/25/22
Comments: To be able to register for MATH 1220 must receive a minimum score of 61 on the ALEKS math placement exam. Those who do not achieve the minimum score even after remediation should contact their academic advisor for their options. The exam can be accessed at: . For additional information on the placement exam please visit:

OPEN 20330 MATH 1231 10 Single-Variable Calculus I 3.00 Xu, C PHIL 736 MTWR
04:00PM - 05:30PM
05/16/22 - 06/25/22
Comments: To be able to register for MATH 1231 must receive a minimum score of 76 on the ALEKS math placement exam. Those students who do not achieve the minimum score even after remediation should contact their academic advisor for their options. The exam can be accessed at: placement . For additional information on the placement exam please visit:

CANCELLED 20678 MATH 1231 20 Single-Variable Calculus I 3.00 06/27/22 - 08/06/22
Comments: To be able to register for MATH 1231 must receive a minimum score of 76 on the ALEKS math placement exam. Those students who do not achieve the minimum score even after remediation should contact their academic advisor for their options. The exam can be accessed at: placement . For additional information on the placement exam please visit:

CANCELLED 20020 MATH 1232 10 Single-Variable Calculus II 3.00 05/16/22 - 06/25/22

OPEN 20021 MATH 1232 20 Single-Variable Calculus II 3.00 White, P PHIL 111 MTWR
04:00PM - 05:30PM
06/27/22 - 08/06/22

CANCELLED 21628 MATH 1252 20 Calculus for the Social and Management Sciences 3.00 06/27/22 - 08/06/22
Comments: To be able to register for MATH 1252 must receive a minimum score of 61 on the ALEKS math placement exam. Those who do not achieve the minimum score even after remediation should contact their academic advisor for their options. The exam can be accessed at: . For additional information on the placement exam please visit:

OPEN 20331 MATH 2184 10 Linear Algebra I 3.00 Wu, H PHIL 736 MTWR
12:30PM - 02:00PM
05/16/22 - 06/25/22

CANCELLED 20352 MATH 2233 10 Multivariable Calculus 3.00 05/16/22 - 06/25/22

CANCELLED 20072 MATH 2233 20 Multivariable Calculus 3.00 06/27/22 - 08/06/22

CANCELLED 21291 MATH 3342 10 Ordinary Differential Equations 3.00 05/16/22 - 06/25/22

CANCELLED 20601 MATH 4239W 80 Real Analysis I 3.00 05/16/22 - 06/25/22 XList

OPEN 20757 MATH 4995 70 Reading and Research 1.00 TO 6.00 Bonin, J 05/16/22 - 08/20/22

CANCELLED 20539 MATH 6201 80 Real Analysis I 3.00 05/16/22 - 06/25/22 XList
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 20759 MATH 6995 70 Reading and Research 0.00 TO 12.00 Zhao, Y 05/16/22 - 08/20/22
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 20993 MATH 8999 70 Dissertation Research 3.00 TO 12.00 Zhao, Y 05/16/22 - 06/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to PhD candidates only.

OPEN 20994 MATH 8999 71 Dissertation Research 3.00 TO 12.00 Zhao, Y 06/27/22 - 08/06/22
Comments: Registration restricted to PhD candidates only.

Last Revised : Feb 11, 2025 06:52:07 PM

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