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OPEN 31254 ECE 1020 10 Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering II 1.00 Ahmadi, S SEH 7040 F
08:00AM - 08:50AM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22 Linked
Comments: Also register for one laboratory section: ECE 1020.30 or .31.

OPEN 32459 ECE 1120 10 C Programming for Electrical and Computer Engineering 3.00 Draganova, A MON 353 WF
02:20PM - 03:35PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22 Linked
Comments: Also register for one laboratory section: ECE 1120 .30 or .31.

OPEN 30130 ECE 2110 10 Circuit Theory 4.00 Korman, C MPA B07 TR
02:20PM - 03:35PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22 Linked
Comments: Also register for one laboratory section: ECE 2110.30 -.33, and one recitation section, ECE 2110.34 or .35.

OPEN 35491 ECE 2110 34 Discussion 0.00 Korman, C SEH 7040 T
05:10PM - 06:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Also register for one laboratory section: ECE 2110.30-.33, and one recitation section, ECE 2110.34 or .35.

OPEN 35492 ECE 2110 35 Discussion 0.00 Korman, C TOMP 208 R
05:10PM - 06:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Also register for one laboratory section: ECE 2110.30-.33, and one recitation section, ECE 2110.34 or .35.

OPEN 31208 ECE 2115 10 Engineering Electronics 4.00 Ahmadi, S FNGR 210 MW
03:45PM - 05:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22 Linked
Comments: Also register for one laboratory section: ECE 2115.30-.34.

OPEN 30996 ECE 2140 10 Design of Logic Systems 4.00 Adam, G MON 353 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22 Linked
Comments: Also register for one laboratory section: ECE 2140.30 or .31.

OPEN 32122 ECE 2210 10 Circuits, Signals, and Systems 3.00 Aslani, A TOMP 208 TR
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22 Linked
Comments: Also register for one recitation section: ECE 2210.30-.33.

OPEN 30131 ECE 3125 10 Analog Electronics Design 4.00 Ahmadi, S COR 103 M
06:10PM - 08:40PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22 Linked
Comments: Also register for laboratory section: ECE 3125.30 or .31.

OPEN 33139 ECE 3135 10 Digital Design with FPGAs 4.00 Aslani, A TOMP 208 TR
08:00AM - 09:15AM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22 Linked
Comments: Also register for laboratory section: ECE 3135.30.

OPEN 31447 ECE 3410 10 Communications Engineering 3.00 Doroslovacki, M SEH 7040 TR
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22 Linked
Comments: Also register for laboratory section: ECE 3410.30.

OPEN 31099 ECE 3525 10 Introduction to Embedded Systems 3.00 Eom, K SEH 6040 MW
03:45PM - 05:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 31446 ECE 3915W 10 Electrical and Computer Engineering Capstone Project Lab I 1.00 Aslani, A PHIL 110 W
11:10AM - 12:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement.

OPEN 37849 ECE 4145 80 Microfabrication and Nanofabrication Technology 3.00 Sorger, V SEH B2000 T
12:45PM - 03:15PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22 XList Linked
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate students only. Also register for laboratory section: ECE 4150.81.

OPEN 31102 ECE 4150 80 ASIC Design and Testing of VLSI Circuits 3.00 Wu, J ROME 204 W
06:10PM - 08:40PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22 XList Linked
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate students only. Also register for laboratory section: ECE 4150.81.

OPEN 36799 ECE 4155 80 Sensors, Networks, and Applications 3.00 Nguyen, Q ROME 205 R
06:10PM - 08:40PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22 XList
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate students only.

OPEN 33141 ECE 4320 10 Fields and Waves II 3.00 Lang, R FNGR 222 TR
11:00AM - 12:25PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 33767 ECE 4415 80 Introduction to Computer Networks 3.00 Subramaniam, S SEH 7040 M
09:30AM - 12:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22 XList Linked
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate students only. Also register for recitation section: ECE 4415.30 and laboratory course: ECE 4425.10

OPEN 33766 ECE 4425 10 Data Communications Laboratory 1.00 Subramaniam, S SEH 6040 T
01:00PM - 02:50PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Also register for lecture course: ECE 4415.80 and recitation section: ECE 4415.30.

OPEN 37851 ECE 4435 80 Photonics and Fiber Optics 3.00 Dalir, H MON 111 M
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22 XList
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate students only.

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