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OPEN 32223 CE 1020 10 Introduction to a Sustainable World 1.00 Hagarty, E PHIL 417 M
09:35AM - 10:25AM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 31594 CE 2210 10 Engineering Computations 3.00 Hamdar, S PHIL 111 MW
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22 Linked
Comments: Also register for Recitation section: CE 2210.30

OPEN 30053 CE 2220 10 Introduction to the Mechanics of Solids 3.00 Li, T MON 110 TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22 Linked
Comments: Also register for recitation section CE 2220.30.

OPEN 34824 CE 2220 11 Introduction to the Mechanics of Solids 3.00 Critchfield, M PHIL 109 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22 Linked
Comments: Also register for recitation section CE 2220.31.

OPEN 31979 CE 2710 10 Introduction to Transportation Engineering 3.00 Xu, Z BELL 309 MW
02:20PM - 03:35PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 30054 CE 3240 10 Structural Theory II 3.00 Roddis, W TOMP 405 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 30055 CE 3310 10 Reinforced Concrete Structures 3.00 Badie, S SEH B1280 TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 30629 CE 3520 10 Environmental Engineering: Water Resources and Water Quality 3.00 Shuai, D GELM B02 MW
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 31337 CE 3521 10 Environmental Engineering Laboratory 1.00 Riffat, R SEH 1680 M
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 31793 CE 3521 11 Environmental Engineering Laboratory 1.00 Riffat, R SEH 1680 W
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 32048 CE 3521 12 Environmental Engineering Laboratory 1.00 Riffat, R SEH 1680 F
12:45PM - 03:15PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 30056 CE 3610 10 Hydraulics of Open Channel Flow 3.00 Farhadi, L ROME 350 TR
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 30721 CE 3611 10 Hydraulics Laboratory 1.00 Shan, H SEH B1280 W
06:10PM - 08:40PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 31983 CE 3611 11 Hydraulics Laboratory 1.00 Shan, H 1776 G C-113 T
06:10PM - 08:40PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

CLOSED 34497 CE 3611 12 Hydraulics Laboratory 1.00 Shan, H SEH B1280 W
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 34287 CE 4330W 10 Contracts and Specifications 3.00 Ghavami, K PHIL 110 W
06:10PM - 08:40PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement.

OPEN 34808 CE 4342 10 Senior Design Project II 3.00 Silva, P; Mokhayeri, Y SEH 3040 M
12:45PM - 03:15PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: This course is only open to CEE seniors.

CANCELLED 37848 CE 4450 10 Introduction to Geo-environmental Engineering 3.00 01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 30057 CE 4810 10 Research 1.00 Manzari, M 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Departmental approval required to register. Register for this course in the CE office. Registration restricted to juniors and seniors only.

OPEN 31258 CE 6201 10 Advanced Strength of Materials 3.00 Critchfield, M GELM B04 T
06:10PM - 08:40PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

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Last Revised : Oct 15, 2024 02:01:16 PM

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