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OPEN 35985 CAH 1032 10 Survey of Art and Architecture II 3.00 Reuther, P DUQUES 151 MW
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22 Linked
Comments: Also register for one discussion section: CAH 1032 30-.31.

WAITLIST 37558 CAH 2071 80 Introduction to the Arts in America 3.00 Markoski, K SMTH 114 TR
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22 XList

CLOSED 37559 CAH 2115 10 Love and Body in Islamic Art 3.00 Natif, M SMTH 114 TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 36474 CAH 2192 10 Art of Southeast Asia 3.00 Lee, J SMTH 114 MW
02:20PM - 03:35PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22

CLOSED 35990 CAH 3142 80 European Art of the Late Nineteenth Century 3.00 Robinson, L REMOTE INSTR TR
02:20PM - 03:35PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22 XList
Comments: This course is also available as a WID: See AH 3142W.80

OPEN 36563 CAH 3142W 80 European Art of the Late Nineteenth Century 3.00 Robinson, L REMOTE INSTR TR
02:20PM - 03:35PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22 XList
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement.

OPEN 37561 CAH 3143W 10 Early Twentieth-Century Art 3.00 Obler, B SMTH 114 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement.

CLOSED 35992 CAH 3165W 10 Later Twentieth-Century Art 3.00 Dumbadze, A SMTH 114 T
05:10PM - 07:40PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement.

CLOSED 37813 CAH 4119 80 Art&Exchange-GlobalMiddleAges 3.00 Elliott, G SMTH 106 M
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22 XList
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate Art History majors only.

CLOSED 35993 CAH 4129 80 Brueghel, Proverbs, & Memory 3.00 von Barghahn-Calvetti, B SMTH 106 R
12:30PM - 03:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22 XList

CANCELLED 37815 CAH 4129 81 Medieval&Renaissance Venice 3.00 01/10/22 - 04/25/22 XList
Comments: Registration restricted to undergraduate Art History majors only.

WAITLIST 36469 CAH 4150 80 Disability, Access, & the Arts 3.00 Obler, B SMTH 106 W
12:30PM - 03:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22 XList

CLOSED 37562 CAH 4165 80 The Body in Islamic Art 3.00 Natif, M SMTH 106 W
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22 XList

CLOSED 37563 CAH 4169 80 New York in the 1980s 3.00 Dumbadze, A SMTH 106 W
09:30AM - 12:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22 XList

OPEN 37564 CAH 4189 80 Courbet & Manet: New Visions 3.00 Robinson, L REMOTE INSTR M
12:30PM - 03:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22 XList

OPEN 35997 CAH 4197 10 Senior Thesis 1.00 Dumbadze, A 01/10/22 - 04/25/22

OPEN 35998 CAH 4198 10 Independent Study 3.00 Dumbadze, A 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to AH and FAAH majors only.

OPEN 35999 CAH 4199 10 Internship in Art History 1.00 Dumbadze, A 01/10/22 - 04/25/22
Comments: Registration restricted to AH and FAAH majors only.

OPEN 37814 CAH 6215 80 Art&Exchange-GlobalMiddleAges 3.00 Elliott, G SMTH 106 M
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22 XList
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate Art History majors only.

CLOSED 36000 CAH 6225 80 Brueghel, Proverbs, & Memory 3.00 von Barghahn-Calvetti, B SMTH 106 R
12:30PM - 03:00PM
01/10/22 - 04/25/22 XList
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

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Last Revised : Oct 15, 2024 03:01:17 PM

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