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CLOSED 16274 JSTD 2001 80 Hebrew Scriptures 3.00 Rollston, C REMOTE INSTR MW
02:20PM - 03:35PM
01/11/21 - 04/26/21 XList

CLOSED 18567 JSTD 2001 81 Excavating Armageddon 3.00 Cline, E REMOTE INSTR TR
02:20PM - 03:35PM
01/11/21 - 04/26/21 XList
Comments: Instructor approval required to register, priority given to sophomores.

OPEN 13592 JSTD 2002 80 War Crimes Trials 3.00 Richter, J REMOTE INSTR MW
04:45PM - 06:00PM
01/11/21 - 04/26/21 XList

OPEN 13755 JSTD 2002 82 Zionism and Its Critics 3.00 Dubnov, A REMOTE INSTR MW
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/11/21 - 04/26/21 XList

CLOSED 15035 JSTD 2002 83 Holocaust Memory 3.00 Reich, W REMOTE INSTR W
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/11/21 - 04/26/21 XList

CLOSED 16923 JSTD 2002 84 Arab-Jews? Mizrahi History 3.00 Dubnov, A REMOTE INSTR MW
03:45PM - 05:00PM
01/11/21 - 04/26/21 XList

OPEN 17728 JSTD 2002 85 The American Jewish Experience 3.00 Weissman Joselit, J REMOTE INSTR W
12:45PM - 02:35PM
01/11/21 - 04/26/21 XList

OPEN 12083 JSTD 4019 10 Senior Thesis 3.00 Dubnov, A REMOTE INSTR R
11:10AM - 01:00PM
01/11/21 - 04/26/21
Comments: Registration restricted to seniors only.

Last Revised : Feb 27, 2025 08:52:08 PM

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