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CLOSED 14262 ANAT 2160 10 Human Functional Neuroanatomy 3.00 DeVeau, K ROSS 104
11:15AM - 12:30PM
01/11/21 - 04/26/21

OPEN 14264 ANAT 2181 80 Human Gross Anatomy 3.00 Spencer, M ROSS 117 TR
02:20PM - 03:35PM
01/11/21 - 04/26/21

OPEN 14261 ANAT 6160 10 Human Clinical Neuroanatomy 3.00 DeVeau, K ROSS 105 TR
11:15AM - 12:30PM
01/11/21 - 04/26/21

OPEN 18864 ANAT 6181 10 Clinically Oriented Human Gross Anatomy 4.00 DeVaul, N R
02:20PM - 05:00PM
01/11/21 - 04/26/21

OPEN 15811 ANAT 6219 10 Ethics for Translational Sci 2.00 Pajoohesh-Ganji, A ROSS 529 T
12:30PM - 01:45PM
01/11/21 - 04/26/21

OPEN 12885 ANAT 6223 10 Special Topics in Regenerative Medicine 2.00 Johnson, K 01/11/21 - 04/26/21
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 12884 ANAT 6275 10 Advanced Studies in Translational Sciences 3.00 Hawley, R SEE DEPT 01/11/21 - 04/26/21
Comments: Registration restricted to graduate students only.

OPEN 18863 ANAT 6292 10 Projects in Anatomical Sciences: Introduction to Neuroradiology 1.00 DeVeau, K; Spencer, M T
09:00AM - 11:00AM
01/11/21 - 04/26/21

CANCELLED 13488 ANAT 8120 10 Graduate Human Gross Anatomy 0.00 OR 5.00 01/11/21 - 04/26/21
Comments: Departmental approval required to register.

Last Revised : Oct 8, 2024 05:01:26 AM

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