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OPEN 53558 PT 8201 10 Functional Anatomy 5.00 Costello, E; Signorino, J; Bohn, R 08/24/20 - 12/04/20

OPEN 58327 PT 8202 10 Applied Physiology 4.00 Wooten, L; Costello, E REMOTE INSTR 08/24/20 - 12/04/20

OPEN 58330 PT 8203 10 Neuroscience in Rehabilitation I 3.00 Costello, E; Maring, J; Garmirian, L REMOTE INSTR 08/24/20 - 12/04/20

CLOSED 58332 PT 8204 10 Movement Science I 2.00 REMOTE INSTR 08/24/20 - 12/04/20

OPEN 53549 PT 8208 10 Medical Imaging 1.00 Costello, E; Smith, D; Garber, M 08/24/20 - 12/04/20

OPEN 58331 PT 8271 10 Research in Practice 3.00 Costello, E; Scalzitti, D REMOTE INSTR 08/24/20 - 12/04/20

OPEN 53557 PT 8272 10 Research Seminar 3.00 Scalzitti, D; Costello, E REMOTE INSTR 08/24/20 - 12/04/20

OPEN 53303 PT 8311 10 Foundations of Examination 4.00 Walsh, J; Costello, E; Cole, K; Quinn, K 08/24/20 - 12/04/20

OPEN 53302 PT 8312 10 Foundations of Interventions 4.00 Barker, M; Rothblum, P; Costello, E; Wentzell, E; Tessiatore, A 08/24/20 - 12/04/20

OPEN 58328 PT 8313 10 Therapeutic Modalities 2.00 Signorino, J; Costello, E REMOTE INSTR 08/24/20 - 12/04/20

OPEN 58336 PT 8314 10 Management of Cardiopulmonary Dysfunction 4.00 Costello, E; Goodman, K REMOTE INSTR 08/24/20 - 12/04/20

OPEN 53566 PT 8315 10 Management of Musculoskeletal Dysfunction I 4.00 Weber, M; Jonely, H; Jayaseelan, D; Costello, E 08/24/20 - 12/04/20

OPEN 58333 PT 8316 10 Management of Musculoskeletal Dysfunction II 4.00 Jayaseelan, D; Jonely, H; Costello, E REMOTE INSTR 08/24/20 - 12/04/20

OPEN 58337 PT 8317 10 Management of Integumentary Dysfunction 1.00 Cordrey, R; Jonely, H; Sando, T; Costello, E REMOTE INSTR 08/24/20 - 12/04/20

OPEN 53554 PT 8318 10 Management of Neuromotor Dysfunction 4.00 Anderson, J; Garmirian, L; Costello, E; Cusack, R; Goodman, K; Ripic, J 08/24/20 - 12/04/20

OPEN 58334 PT 8320 10 Management of the Pediatric Client 4.00 Costello, E; Birkmeier, M; Wentzell, E REMOTE INSTR 08/24/20 - 12/04/20

OPEN 58335 PT 8322 10 Management of the Aging Adult 2.00 Costello, E; Dring, J REMOTE INSTR 08/24/20 - 12/04/20

OPEN 53555 PT 8323 10 Prosthetics and Orthotics 2.00 Pruziner, A; Costello, E 08/24/20 - 12/04/20

OPEN 53192 PT 8351 10 Professional Issues in Physical Therapy Health Care Management I 4.00 Scalzitti, D; Costello, E; Garber, M REMOTE INSTR 08/24/20 - 12/04/20

OPEN 58329 PT 8352 10 Teaching in Physical Therapy Practice 2.00 Costello, E; Plack, M REMOTE INSTR 08/24/20 - 12/04/20

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Last Revised : Feb 15, 2025 11:52:06 AM

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