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CLOSED 54689 BISC 1005 10 The Biology of Nutrition and Health 3.00 Scully, T; Manubay, J REMOTE INSTR TR
03:45PM - 04:35PM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20 Linked
Comments: Also register for one laboratory section: BISC 1005.30 -.35, 37.

CLOSED 55585 BISC 1005 11 The Biology of Nutrition and Health 3.00 Manubay, J; Scully, T REMOTE INSTR MW
11:10AM - 12:00PM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20 Linked
Comments: Also register for one laboratory section: BISC 1005.36-.38- .43.

CLOSED 53540 BISC 1007 10 Food, Nutrition, and Service 3.00 Scully, T REMOTE INSTR TR
11:10AM - 12:00PM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20 Linked
Comments: Also register for one laboratory section: BISC 1007.30- .31.

OPEN 56023 BISC 1111 10 Introductory Biology: Cells and Molecules 4.00 Doebel, H REMOTE INSTR TR
09:35AM - 10:50AM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20 Linked
Comments: Also register for one laboratory section: BISC 1111.30-.34., 48.

OPEN 56024 BISC 1111 11 Introductory Biology: Cells and Molecules 4.00 Doebel, H REMOTE INSTR TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20 Linked
Comments: Also register for one laboratory section: BISC 1111.36-.40., 49.

OPEN 56377 BISC 1111 12 Introductory Biology: Cells and Molecules 4.00 Brown, K REMOTE INSTR MW
03:45PM - 05:00PM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20 Linked
Comments: Also register for one laboratory section: BISC 1111.42-.46., 50.

OPEN 56331 BISC 1111 MV Introductory Biology: Cells and Molecules 4.00 Jordan, C REMOTE INSTR MW
09:00AM - 10:50AM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20 Linked
Comments: This course intended for WLP students only. Instructor approval required to register.

OPEN 56613 BISC 2010 10 Global Change Biology 3.00 Hammond, L REMOTE INSTR MW
12:45PM - 02:00PM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20

CANCELLED 58037 BISC 2194 80 The Hidden Life of the Chesapeake Bay 3.00 08/31/20 - 12/12/20 XList

CANCELLED 55654 BISC 2202 10 Cell Biology 3.00 08/31/20 - 12/12/20

OPEN 50040 BISC 2207 10 Genetics 3.00 Manier, M; Moreira, T REMOTE INSTR MW
03:45PM - 05:00PM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20

WAITLIST 55131 BISC 2213 10 Biology of Cancer 3.00 Meerzaman, D REMOTE INSTR W
07:10PM - 09:40PM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20

WAITLIST 53418 BISC 2320 10 Neural Circuits and Behavior 3.00 O'Halloran, D REMOTE INSTR MW
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20

WAITLIST 54385 BISC 2331 10 Insect Biology 3.00 Smith, A REMOTE INSTR TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20

CANCELLED 57124 BISC 2332 10 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy 4.00 08/31/20 - 12/12/20 Linked
Comments: Also register for laboratory section: BISC 2332.30
BiSc Lab Fee  $55.00

WAITLIST 58134 BISC 2334W 10 Integrative Biology of Fishes 3.00 Hernandez, L REMOTE INSTR TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement.

OPEN 50041 BISC 2339 10 Parasitology 4.00 Hawdon, J; Bernot, J REMOTE INSTR
05:10PM - 06:00PM
05:10PM - 08:00PM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20

OPEN 57010 BISC 2401 10 Biodiversity in A Changing World 3.00 Hormiga, G REMOTE INSTR W
12:45PM - 03:15PM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20

WAITLIST 55436 BISC 2450 10 Organic Evolution 3.00 Hormiga, G REMOTE INSTR TR
03:45PM - 05:00PM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20

OPEN 58375 BISC 2450 11 Organic Evolution 3.00 Pyron, R REMOTE INSTR TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
08/31/20 - 12/12/20

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Last Revised : Feb 15, 2025 02:52:06 PM

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