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OPEN 72393 PSC 1001 10 Introduction to Comparative Politics 3.00 Dickson, B 1957 E 113 TR
11:10AM - 12:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20 Linked
Comments: Also register for one discussion section: PSC 1001.30-.44. This course is also available as a WID: See PSC 1001W.10.

OPEN 73230 PSC 1001 11 Introduction to Comparative Politics 3.00 Crock, J BELL 104 M
07:10PM - 09:40PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: This course is also available as a WID: See PSC 1001W.10.

WAITLIST 71922 PSC 1001 12 Introduction to Comparative Politics 3.00 Tutunji, M PHIL 108 TR
04:45PM - 06:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: This course is also available as a WID: See PSC 1001W.10.

WAITLIST 75206 PSC 1001 13 Introduction to Comparative Politics 3.00 Boucoyannis, D BELL 309 MW
02:20PM - 03:35PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: This course is also available as a WID: See PSC 1001W.10.

OPEN 75205 PSC 1001 14 Introduction to Comparative Politics 3.00 Boucoyannis, D PHIL 110 MW
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: This course is also available as a WID: See PSC 1001W.10.

CANCELLED 76478 PSC 1001 15 Introduction to Comparative Politics 3.00 01/13/20 - 04/27/20

CANCELLED 76627 PSC 1001 16 Introduction to Comparative Politics 3.00 01/13/20 - 04/27/20

OPEN 78218 PSC 1001 17 Introduction to Comparative Politics 3.00 Bonett, D MON 115 M
07:10PM - 09:40PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20

OPEN 72217 PSC 1001 MV Introduction to Comparative Politics 3.00 Croatti, M AMES B101 TR
01:00PM - 02:15PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: This course is being taught at the Mount Vernon campus.

OPEN 72218 PSC 1001 MV1 Introduction to Comparative Politics 3.00 Croatti, M AMES B117 TR
10:00AM - 11:15AM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: This course is being taught at the Mount Vernon campus.

OPEN 75207 PSC 1001W 10 Introduction to Comparative Politics 3.00 Morgan, K MON 251 WF
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement.

WAITLIST 72266 PSC 1002 10 Introduction to American Politics and Government 3.00 Crock, J PHIL 109 MW
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20

OPEN 72641 PSC 1002 11 Introduction to American Politics and Government 3.00 Hayes, D FNGR 108 TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20

WAITLIST 76245 PSC 1002 12 Introduction to American Politics and Government 3.00 Crock, J GELM 608 MW
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20

WAITLIST 76479 PSC 1002 13 Introduction to American Politics and Government 3.00 Bartels, N BELL 204 MW
08:00AM - 09:15AM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20

OPEN 70715 PSC 1003 10 Introduction to International Politics 3.00 Farrell, H FNGR 103 TR
11:10AM - 12:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20 Linked
Comments: Also register for one discussion section: PSC 1003.30-.35.

WAITLIST 71296 PSC 1003 11 Introduction to International Politics 3.00 Stoil, M TOMP 301 TR
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20

WAITLIST 76246 PSC 1003 12 Introduction to International Politics 3.00 De Zamaroczy, N TOMP 301 MW
04:45PM - 06:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20

CLOSED 78114 PSC 1003W MV Introduction to International Politics 3.00 Allendoerfer, M AMES B201 TR
11:30AM - 12:45PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20 Linked
Comments: This course is being taught at the Mount Vernon campus. Also register for one discussion section: PSC 1003W.M30 or .M31. This course will satisfy a WID requirement. Departmental approval required to register. This course intended for WLP only.

OPEN 72062 PSC 1012W MV Introduction to Politics II 6.00 Goldman, S AMES B201 MW
03:30PM - 06:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20 Linked
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement. Instructor approval required to register. This course is being taught at the Mount Vernon campus. This course intended for Politics & Values students only. Also register for one discussion section: PSC 1012W.M30-.M31

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Last Revised : Jan 21, 2025 03:52:04 AM

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