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OPEN 70180 GEOG 1001 10 Introduction to Human Geography 3.00 White, J 1957 E 113 MW
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20

OPEN 70181 GEOG 1002 10 Introduction to Physical Geography 4.00 Shiklomanov, N COR 101 MW
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20 Linked
Comments: Also register for one laboratory section: GEOG 1002.M30 -.35.

WAITLIST 71990 GEOG 1003 10 Society and Environment 3.00 Rain, D MPA B07 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20

WAITLIST 71154 GEOG 2104 10 Introduction to Cartography and GIS 3.00 Johnson, S SAMS 109 R
03:00PM - 05:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Geog Course Fee  $30.00

WAITLIST 72743 GEOG 2104 11 Introduction to Cartography and GIS 3.00 Hurley, B SAMS 109 W
03:00PM - 05:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Geog Course Fee  $30.00

WAITLIST 74262 GEOG 2120 10 World Regional Geography 3.00 Cullen, D FNGR 103 TR
09:35AM - 10:50AM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20

WAITLIST 74027 GEOG 2127 10 Population Geography 3.00 Ratcliffe, M MON 250 R
06:10PM - 08:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20

OPEN 75162 GEOG 2129 10 Biogeography 3.00 Allington, G PHIL 111 TR
02:20PM - 03:35PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20

WAITLIST 75163 GEOG 2133 10 People, Land, and Food 3.00 Richards, P GOV 101 T
07:10PM - 09:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20

WAITLIST 72267 GEOG 2134W 10 Energy Resources 3.00 Reisser, W DUQUES 361 T
05:10PM - 07:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement.

WAITLIST 75590 GEOG 2147 10 Military Geography 3.00 Licari, A GOV 104 T
05:10PM - 07:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20

WAITLIST 77678 GEOG 3105 80 Techniques of Spatial Analysis 3.00 Hurley, B SAMS 109 W
07:10PM - 09:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20 XList
Geog Course Fee  $30.00

WAITLIST 76558 GEOG 3106 80 Intermediate Geographic Information Systems 3.00 Hurley, B SAMS 109 T
05:10PM - 07:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20 XList
Geog Course Fee  $30.00

OPEN 78668 GEOG 3128 10 Geomorphology 3.00 Nyland, K SAMS 109 TR
12:45PM - 02:00PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20

CANCELLED 77679 GEOG 3132 10 Environmental Quality and Management 3.00 01/13/20 - 04/27/20

WAITLIST 78136 GEOG 3143W 20 Urban Sustainability 3.00 Keeley, M DHSE B207 TR
11:10AM - 12:25PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: This course will satisfy a WID requirement.

CANCELLED 77681 GEOG 3146 10 Political Geography 3.00 01/13/20 - 04/27/20

WAITLIST 78374 GEOG 3146 11 Political Geography 3.00 Cullen, D ROME 352 W
12:45PM - 03:15PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20

WAITLIST 77682 GEOG 3164 10 The Geography of Africa 3.00 Rain, D GELM 608 TR
02:20PM - 03:35PM
01/13/20 - 04/27/20

CLOSED 70182 GEOG 3190 10 Readings in Geography ARR Benton-Short, L 01/13/20 - 04/27/20
Comments: Instructor approval required to register. Registration restricted to students with 12 credit hours of Geography.

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Last Revised : Dec 8, 2024 05:54:29 AM

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